Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
Four letter acronym for Strokes Imaginary Beard Slowly. Performed by placing your palm on your chin, your fingers and thumb on your face, and pulling downward until your forefinger and thumb touch, and repeat.
This action of ponderance, is often performed while considering email, blog posts, digital information, and urban dictionary submissions.
It is most often used at the end of an email, comment, or Instant message. Much like LOL, TIA, ROTFLMAO.
Sibs meaning & definition 1 of Sibs.
[abbreviation] for [siblings]
Sibs meaning & definition 2 of Sibs.
Members of the Sigma Iota Beta [local sorority] at [Hope College]. Every girl on campus wants to be a [SIB] but would deny it if asked. They like to party and have a good time but are also the girls you could take home to mom and dad. They are the most down to earth and involved on campus. If you meet a cool girl at Hope, odds are...shes a SIB.
Sibs meaning & definition 3 of Sibs.
SIBS, or [Scumbag] Internet [Blues] Syndrome, is a state of depression or disappointment resulting from finding a person of the opposite sex online, while knowing that you could never actually meet them in person because they are out of reach or [on the other side] of the world.
Sibs meaning & definition 4 of Sibs.
A Sibs is [the act] of doing [EVERYTHING] [sexually]
Sibs meaning & definition 5 of Sibs.
Acronym for Super Itchy [Bunghole] Syndrome, usually brought on by wearing the wrong underwear on a really hot day while [moving furniture] up three flights of steps with a raging case of diarrhea.
Best cured by using a [medicated] powder.
Related to Swamp Ass, but youre inclined to scratch.
Sibs meaning & definition 6 of Sibs.
[Sexual intercourse] [buddies]
Sibs meaning & definition 7 of Sibs.