• High standards. Beautiful or handsome. They type of person who is very friendly. Can be a bitch tho. Friends with many. A lot of people get jealous of a Granada. Very successful and determined. Fashionista. Music junke. Awkwardly funny. The best.

    Granada meaning & definition 1 of Granada.

  • Stuck up, bitchy, “straight but willing to experiment”, rich, slut princesses (with the exception of [the minority] of genuine people) and many of the guys are self-centered egotistical testosterone filled jackasses with their heads shoved so far up their asses they can’t see anymore and can go fuck the horses they rode in on twice because they are [chauvinistic], condescending, [patronizing], manipulitive, imbroglio-causing, mannerless, naïve, pricks with no respect and it is disgusting how they treat women and think so highly of themselves…then again the way many of the girls around here act, they probably deserve it, if they’re not totally provoking them.
    Many people use fake addresses to get into Granada High, a whack school filled with white people and asians.

    Granada meaning & definition 2 of Granada.

  • N. a brown rye chip found in a [chex mix] bag
    V. the act of almost getting hit by a [tennis ball] when playing [wall ball] or tennis

    Granada meaning & definition 3 of Granada.

  • A city in Andalusia in southern Spain; population 236,988 (2008). Founded in the 8th century, it became the capital of the Moorish kingdom of Granada in 1238. It is the site of the Alhambra palace.

    Granada meaning & definition 4 of Granada.

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