• A person , Jewish or non-Jewish, who, by some action, supports the State of Israel.

    A substitue word for jew used by anti-semites who, for whatever reason, wish to hide their racist intent.

    Zionist meaning & definition 1 of Zionist.

  • A race [supremacist], [colonialist], extremist. One who believes in a political ideology that hijacked judaism, soon to hijack Christianity.
    Many zionists dont believe in god but believe god gave them Israel - [Ilan] Pappe
    [Zionism] was founded by [atheistic] jews in 1897, an ideology originally supported by the antisemitic British government of the early 1900s who wanted to push European jews out of the UK and Europe and send them to the middle east. Of course many European jews were against being sent to the middle east and saw [zionism] as an antisemitic movement.
    After the 6 day war was won, more and more jews realised there was a good chance of having their own state and zionism became entwined with jewish nationalism.
    Still to this day there are many jews that are anti-zionist and consider Europe or another country as their home land, not the middle east. There are less and less younger jewish zionists as they realise the connection between zionism and the occupation, genocide and apartheid of the indigenous population of Israel (Palestinians).
    Unfortunately there is a growing number of [Christian zionists] who are antisemitic and want to take over Israel. They believe the messiah will wipe out 2/3rds of the jewish population and the remainder will have to convert to Christianity if they want to go to heaven during the rapture; if they dont they will go to hell.

    Zionist meaning & definition 2 of Zionist.

  • always the victim of any wrong doing in the world. coincidence that every definition of zionist on this website has the same [upvote] to [downvote] ratio? Cant criticize zionism because
    a) you are racist
    b) you are [anti-semetic]
    c) politically incorrect
    d) considered crazy (all the false conspiracies put out there, such as satan worship and all that nonsense)

    Zionist meaning & definition 3 of Zionist.

  • One who supports the state of [Israel].
    Today, the word is mostly used as a [politically correct] substitute for [kike].

    Zionist meaning & definition 4 of Zionist.

  • [Zionist] is anybody of Modern [Jewry] from the late [1880] to Present who believe that Jewish people whether religious or not should have their own land. People of Modern Jewry are: a mixed of Jewish people from Israel back before Jesus (he was jewish though), Jews from the [Rhineland], Russia, Poland, Hungary, Spain, and yes the Ruling class of the Khazaria Kingdom did convert to Judaism and yes we are guessing that part of the population converted too. With that in mind, we also had intelligent Poles, Russians, [Hungarians], Americans, and other nations marrying into the Jewish Populations and were eventually absorbed into the Jewish Population as well.
    With this being said, the original Land was supposed to be divided up into two countries by the United Nations, Israel and Palestine but the Palastineans never wanted this to happen even though a number of these same people sold their land to European Jews because European Jews were willing to pay more, and the land of Palestine was under British Mandate. The effect cause of this is [Israelis] that got sick and tired of the hate directed at them, and Palastineans that dont seem to mind to live in [squalor] for 50 years.

    Zionist meaning & definition 5 of Zionist.

  • [Ironically], almost the Jewish equivelant of a [Nazi]. Zionist believe the Jewish people should have a right to [tracks of land] in the Middle East and believe that people of origin from those regions are superior beings.

    Zionist meaning & definition 6 of Zionist.

  • A [Zionist] is someone who believes in [Zionism], the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. It is political movement based on the beliefs that:
    · The Jews are a people.
    · The Jewish people have the right to self-determination.
    · The only land that the Jews and the world have ever viewed as the legitimate home of the Jewish
    people is the land called Israel, or, by others, [Palestine].

    Zionist meaning & definition 7 of Zionist.

  • Ok, [ignorants], now that you have abused [Zionism] in every possible way, called us racist, evil, [heretic], and every other thing from what is written in the so-called Protocols of [Zions] Elders, its about time that you hear how we, Zionists, see ourselves.
    1.The Zionist movement, when it was formed in the late 19th century was NOT a religious movement in any way. It was a modern, nationalistic movement, formed by Jewish doctors and professors from all over Europe, to discuss possible solutions to the problem of the Jewish nation (who were, undoubtedly, [a nation], since they all shared the same culture, habits, religion and language throughout all of history, no matter where they lived), a nation, who did not [have its] own land. Obviously, most of the Zionists believed that the Jews cannot have any other land than the land of [Israel], which was, historically, the ORIGIN OF THE JEWISH NATION, and which the nation of Israel ruled for 1200 years, until 70 A.D. when they were banished from the land by the Romans.
    2.The first Zionist HATED the stereotypical, [orthodox Jew], who lived in Europe for 2000 years, doing nothing but studying religion and working in minor jobs all day and waiting for the come of [the messiah], and who could do nothing to defend himself from [the nations] among which he lived, who slaughtered and massacred Jews whenever they felt like it. The first Zionists were Socialists, they believed that Jews who live in Israel must work in agriculture to rebuild a Jewish society, and most importantly, know how to defend themselves and fight for what they believe in, because Jews who cannot defend themselves are pathetic and encourage anti-Semites to do with them as they like.
    3.A true Zionist believes in the God of Israel, but more than he believes in him, he believes in humans and free choice, and that nothing can be achieved without [Gods will]. He also knows that [Judaism] is defined as the religion of the Jews and not the other way around. Accepting another religion does not turn a Jew non-Jewish. On the other hand, a person who accepts the Jewish religion is accepted into the Jewish nation.
    4.A Zionist always remembers the Holocaust, and understands the there is [NO country] in the world where a Jew can truly be safe except Israel, the only country in the world where Jews are a majority.

    Zionist meaning & definition 8 of Zionist.

  • The true owners who built the land of [Israel up] from a [barron] wasteland desert- only to be persecuted by Arabs who wanted the land but were unable to build anything themselves. So after the Jews- who make up Zionism civilized the area- Muslim Arabs started murdering them to take over the land. Then as an excuse to murder other people, the Muslims started an [intifada] because they are so unproductive and have nothing better to do.

    Zionist meaning & definition 9 of Zionist.

  • A supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.

    Zionist meaning & definition 10 of Zionist.

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