• A short strap of leather or silk secured round the leg of ahawk, to which the leash or line, wrapped round the falconer's hand,was attached when used. See Illust. of Falcon.Like a hawk, which feeling freed From bells and jesses which did lether flight. Spenser.

    Jess meaning & definition 1 of Jess.

  • A Jess is a person who is generous, talented and kindly. The name itself means wealthy, and this is true, as a jess will always be rich in spirit and personality. Also used by some kids to mean awesome.

    The term should not be confused with the Spanish jess (pronounced hess) which means a woman with low moral standards.

    Jess meaning & definition 2 of Jess.

  • an extremely beautiful girl who is the nicest, funniest, and all around most awesome person ever

    Jess meaning & definition 3 of Jess.

  • Gorgeous girl, brown hair brown eyes, has the ocassional northern accent.
    She always thinks nothing of herself when shes everything a bestfriend could want!
    Will always be there for you, no matter what.
    Is hilarious with her inside jokes with her best mate!
    Used to be a tomboy but now loves designer clothes and boys 😉

    Jess meaning & definition 4 of Jess.

  • A person who lies better than you can tell the truth.

    Jess meaning & definition 5 of Jess.

  • A name to describe the most kind, beautiful, nicest person that you could ever meet. The moment she tals to you it will make your heart jump out of your chest. The moment you talk to her you cant help but fall in love with her. She has a tender heart and warm welcoming smile, as well as deep eyes you could get yourself lost in. If you ever meet her you should hold her in your arms and never let her go because there is no one else like her, she is someone special that can take all your pain away and you should try your best to do the same for her. She can also be fiesty,naughty and perverted at times.

    Jess meaning & definition 6 of Jess.

  • a girl who will often be quietly insecure.
    someone who always loves a laugh but loves deep conversations.
    someone who might mainly obsess on weight or relationships but will eat a whole pizza and go on tumblr anyway.
    someone who either falls in love quickly or takes a long time to.
    someone who usually thinks as herself as a third wheel in her friends group.
    someone who is often scared she is not good enough for people.
    someone who is usually witty and sassy.
    someone who is often slightly jealous on how all her friends are pretty and she's just...there.

    Jess meaning & definition 7 of Jess.

  • This is a girl with some real bad-ass qualities. She is normaly small, with varying shades of brown hair, and is what anyone would call a small warrior. A Jess can act sweet, but has the ability to do anything. She'l lie to her study group manager, her boss, lecturer, or practicly anyone and they will believe her. The name Jess is common, but her character is very unpridictable, just like her mood. She can go from angry, to happy, to screaming out bloody murder. It just doesn't matter to her. A Jess will not mix with an loud, mouthy people, or any of the popular crowd. Anything that they say to her she will ignore, or take it in a good way. She can allways make a smart-arse comment but doesn't use comebacks, so she'l either be rude or pick a fight with whoever said one. She's intelligent and fast thinking, but people sometimes take the piss out of her for it. Jess will play computer games, or be out doors, or be shopping, but will always have an explanation for what she does.

    Jess meaning & definition 8 of Jess.

  • Jess is a name given to a girl, a common name in the UK. Jess' are lovely girls, girls with personalities bigger and brighter than the sun. they takes life as it comes, when life gets her down, she always has someone to turn to, her best friend (the flirty one, the one all the boys swoon over, they will practically live together if you're a jess, that friend is a keeper, hold her and never let go don't let people try and ruin it) Her best friend always knows what to say. Jess' are like marmite, you either love them or you hate them, simple as that. Jess' will have they're days, some good days some bad days. Jess' usually have that anger where it stems from nothing, and they just get angry! But their best friend always knows how to calm her down. She also has many guy friends. normally classed as brothers or sons. Jess' are not ones to get jealous very often, but when she does, she must really really care about them.

    Jess meaning & definition 9 of Jess.

  • Nickname for A girl named Jessica!

    Jess meaning & definition 10 of Jess.

  • a nice person who loves you deep within her heart. A real and funny friend but sometimes you dont know her bad mood side.

    Jess meaning & definition 11 of Jess.

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