• from bengali(Bangladesh)language
    foga means idiot or dumb-ass

    Foga meaning & definition 1 of Foga.

  • street language meaning dumb and unclever

    Foga meaning & definition 2 of Foga.

  • While doing yoga you fart in the middle of class.

    Foga meaning & definition 3 of Foga.

  • Text speak for fuck off, go away

    Foga meaning & definition 4 of Foga.

  • fake-yoga
    the type of yoga that is preformed by house wifes only to achive tight buns and thighs, not to reach any type of spirital enlightenment. Also part of a trend

    Foga meaning & definition 5 of Foga.

  • FOGA is Fear Of Going Away.
    It is a state of mental and emotional strain caused by fear of going away from a place where you spent your vacation.
    Usually occurs when youve had an epic vacation or a party and you fear going back to reality, thus face major withdrawals.

    Foga meaning & definition 6 of Foga.

  • @Jessica thanks

    Foga meaning & definition 7 of Foga.

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