Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
The art of acting cheesy around girls to try and pull. Often used by arrogant people.
Sliming meaning & definition 1 of Sliming.
When youre talking to someone but not quite in a relationship the slang is that you are sliming them
Sliming meaning & definition 2 of Sliming.
Prison Slang for inmate making like a chimpanzee when they engage in flinging. Look up Bing and you will realize what theyre flinging. Its slang for using own waste as a weapon, its extremely gross. This will torque those in polite company if you explain the term as it gets pretty damn graphic.
Sliming meaning & definition 3 of Sliming.
To continuously wire into your iphone in the hope of closing a girl at the end of each night.
Sliming meaning & definition 4 of Sliming.
when you a checking someone out/tryig it on
Sliming meaning & definition 5 of Sliming.
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