• A mill operated by the power of the wind, usually by the actionof the wind upon oblique vanes or sails which radiate from ahorizontal shaft. Chaucer.

    Windmill meaning & definition 1 of Windmill.

  • To swing your penis around in a circular motion to appease the ladies.

    Windmill meaning & definition 2 of Windmill.

  • when two or more men are attempting to have sex with one woman but since they are so drunk they swing their penis' around in a circular motion to promote blood flow in hopes of achieving full erection. When done correctly small tornados and possibly tropical storms or hurricanes will be produced. Warning : do not attempt if you are unable to handle high wind speeds

    Windmill meaning & definition 3 of Windmill.

    1. A dangerous yet crowd-pleasing move utilized while playing guitar in which the player rotates his or her arm at either the elbow or the shoulder, making a circle and strumming the guitar on either the upstroke or the downstroke, depending on the direction of the windmill. There is a high probability of hurting your hand while attempting this move. Invented and popularized by [Pete Townshend] of [The Who], and still a staple of over-the-top rock n' roll today. Extra points if the guitarist cuts their hand and begins to bleed, but continues playing.

    2. A breakdance move that involves spinning around on one's upper back or head. Another crowd pleaser.

    3. When a guy spins his penis around in an attempt to please women, but this maneuver tends to not be crowd pleasing. It's actually quite creepy.

    4. A wind-powered building used to convert wind power into energy, which used to be for grinding grain and such but is now commonly used to generate electricity.

    5. A term used to refer to someone with outlandish or wildly romantic ideals, named after the overpassionate [Don Quixote].

    Windmill meaning & definition 4 of Windmill.

  • Breakdance move which is technically a continuous assisted backspin achieved by rolling high across the shoulders and upper back onto your front and onto your back once again. legs are kept as far apart as possible at all times.
    There are many different types of windmill, including super-windmills, no-handed windmills and baby windmills (considarbly harder and achieved by tucking your legs close to your body. the dancer resembles a frictionless ball rotating seemingly endlessly on the ground)

    Windmill meaning & definition 5 of Windmill.

  • while playing guitar or other stringed instrument, throwing your arm up in a counterclockwise motion, over your head and back down again (making an invisible circle with your hand), striking the strings on the upstroke
    invented and perfected by Pete Townshend of the who

    Windmill meaning & definition 6 of Windmill.

  • A style of [headbanging] in which a [metalhead] swings his head in a clockwise circle in time to a metal song, causing his hair to fully extend and swing like a pendulum.
    Invented by [vikings], made popular by [Amon Amarth], and exploited by [Suicide Silence].
    Inexperienced headbangers may find it hard to keep their heads up after a night of windmilling.

    Windmill meaning & definition 7 of Windmill.

  • Another [breakdancing], move involving spining on the [floor], with the legs spread [open], this has a number of variations, including the handed windmills-using the hands to propel you on the floor, and the breakers windmill where no hands are used and you [spin] purley on momentum. This is the trade mark-classic [breakdance] [move]!

    Windmill meaning & definition 8 of Windmill.

  • a basketball move refering to when a player, with either one or both hands, spins the ball in a full circle across the front of his chest/stomach and over the top of his head. It is an aerial move leading to either a lay up or dunk (ie. Windmill layup, Windmill dunk) as with all of these moves there are many variations on the theme

    Windmill meaning & definition 9 of Windmill.

  • A building with sails or vanes that turn in the wind and generate power to grind corn into flour.

    Windmill meaning & definition 10 of Windmill.

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