• A person who creates with words vast worlds either through facts or pure imagination. A true writer that is commited to his/her work writes with their heart in order to bring what is truly their spirit to life.

    Writer meaning & definition 1 of Writer.

  • A Graffiti artist who practices any form of Graffiti Art.

    Writer meaning & definition 2 of Writer.

  • Someone who has the power to turn caffeine into words.

    Writer meaning & definition 3 of Writer.

  • A particular organism capable of transforming caffeine into books.

    Writer meaning & definition 4 of Writer.

  • A plagiarist of life.

    Writer meaning & definition 5 of Writer.

  • An induvidual who practices Graffiti Art. A writer dedicates himself to proving his daring and skill by getting his/her name in the hardest to reach/most well seen places. Writers often piece/bomb/burn billboards, dridges and freight trains.
    Writers are often skaters/snowboarders.
    If you just draw shit on paper, you are not a graffiti artist or a writer. You may have the skill to draw it, but it is another thing to have the can control to make it happen on a wall, and to have enough balls to climb a 60 foot rickety ladder and express your feelings on a billboard.

    Writer meaning & definition 6 of Writer.

  • An unemployed/unpaid author.

    Writer meaning & definition 7 of Writer.

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