The dominant species on earth.
You probably thought it was humans.
You were wrong
Scientific term for a common household cat is [Felis] [Catus], this is not made up. Cats are four-legged mammals that are on average [12 pounds], The have tails that help them balance and hypersensitive senses, such as hearing, for the can [opener], smelling, for any and all food, seeing, for scoping out the best place to sleep all day.
Cats have the hardest jobs, napping uses a lot of energy, but theyre not napping, while they sleep they use [telepathic] messages to plan world domination. One day the cats will unite and destroy humanity. Cats are very intelligent creatures, with better memory than humans. Amazing pets, usually just put them outside in a bush whenever they need to go for a week and theyre trained. Cats have claws for ripping your eyes out. Their claws are also used for defense, gripping onto tough surfaces, and climbing. They have very [sharp teeth] for chewing your bones from your dead skeleton. They are also used for chewing their food, and again, defense. Cats have no inward suction, [the cant] suck in air like we can, they cant eat or drink like we can, thats why [cats] lap up their food and water.
this is all that i can say, if you wanted all that I know, this list would go on forever