• Having sex with a woman that [squirt]s in a way that when you pull out, all of the fluid shoots out of her [vagina] at once.

    Floodgate meaning & definition 1 of Floodgate.

  • Opening up potential for massive flooding in message boards, primarily due to new info being revealed for unreleased games.

    Floodgate meaning & definition 2 of Floodgate.

  • another word for a whore, or a person who has been with a lot of people; it originated while playing the sexual chain game, where you try to see how many people you are linked to sexually by knowing who the people you have been with have been with and so on. a person is a floodgate if they have been with so many people that you actually have a lot of choices between who you can choose for the next link in the chain.

    Floodgate meaning & definition 3 of Floodgate.

  • When she has her period as he eats her out and he swallows it all by accident.

    Floodgate meaning & definition 4 of Floodgate.

  • A gate that can be opened or closed to admit or exclude water, especially the lower gate of a lock.

    Floodgate meaning & definition 5 of Floodgate.

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