• A yottabyte is 1024 or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.
    One yottabyte (abbreviated YB) is equal to 1,000 zettabytes and is the largest SI unit of measurement used for measuring data. It is slightly smaller than its IEC-standardized counterpart, the yobibyte, which contains 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes (280) bytes.
    A single yottabyte contains one septillion, or one trillion times one trillion bytes, which is the same as one trillion terabytes. It is also a number larger than any human can comprehend. There is no need for a unit of measurement larger than a yottabyte because there is simply no practical use for such a large measurement. Even all the data in the world consists of just a few zettabytes.
    NOTE: View a list of all the units of measurement used for measuring data storage.

    Yottabyte meaning & definition 1 of Yottabyte.

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