Keywords are words or phrases that describe content. They can be used as metadata to describe images, text documents, database records, and Web pages. A user may tag pictures or text files with keywords that are relevant to their content. Later on, these files may be searched using keywords, which can make finding files much easier. For example, a photographer may use a program like Extensis Portfolio or Apple iPhoto to tag his nature photos with words such as nature, trees, flowers, landscape, etc. By tagging the photos, he can later locate all the pictures of flowers by simply searching for the flowers keyword.
Keywords are used on the Web in two different ways: 1) as search terms for search engines, and 2) words that identify the content of the website.Search Engine Search Terms Whenever you search for something using a search engine, you type keywords that tell the search engine what to search for. For example, if you are searching for used cars, you may enter used cars as your keywords. The search engine will then return Web pages with content relevant to your search terms. The more specific keywords you use, the more specific (and useful) the results will be. Therefore, if you are searching for a specific used car, you may enter something like black Honda Accord used car to get more accurate results.
Many search engines also support boolean operators that can be used along with keywords to further refine the search. For example, you may search for Apple AND computers NOT fruit if you only want results related to Apple products and not the kind of apples that grow on trees.
Web Page Description Terms Keywords can also describe the content of a Web page using the keyword meta tag. This tag is placed in the
Keywords meaning & definition 1 of Keywords.
a word that you type into a computer so that the computer will find information that contains that word:
Keywords meaning & definition 2 of Keywords.