• An exception (short for exceptional event) is an error or unexpected event that happens while a program is running. When an exception occurs, it interrupts the flow of the program. If the program can handle and process the exception, it may continue running. If an exception is not handled, the program may be forced to quit.
    Multiple programming languages support exceptions, though they are used in different ways. For example, exceptions are an integral part of the Java language and are often to control the flow of a program. Java includes an Exception class, which has dozens of subclasses, such as TimeoutException, UserException, and IOException. Subclasses like IOException contain more specific exceptions like FileNotFoundException and CharacterCodingException that can be thrown if a file is not found or the character encoding of a string is not recognized.
    Other languages only use exceptions to catch fundamental runtime errors, such as failure allocating memory or system-level errors. For example, a C program may throw the bad_alloc exception when memory cannot be allocated and the system_error exception when the operating system produces an error.
    A well-written computer program checks for exceptions and handles them appropriately. This means the developer must check for likely exceptions and write code to process them. If a program handles exceptions well, unexpected errors can be detected and managed without crashing the program.
    Exceptions are thrown when then occur and are caught by some other code in the program. They can be thrown explicitly using the throw statement or implicitly within a try clause. Below is an example of try / catch syntax in Java. The following code attempts to divide by zero, but throws an ArithmeticException exception and returns 0 as the result.

    1. int a = 11; 2. int b = 0; 3. int result = 0; 4. try { 5.   int c = a / b; 6.   result = c; 7. } catch(ArithmeticException ex) { 8.   result = 0; 9. }10. return result;
      An exception is thrown on line 5 (when 11 is divided by 0), so the remainder of the try statement (line 6) is not executed. Instead, the exception is caught on line 7 and a result of 0 is returned.

    Exception meaning & definition 1 of Exception.

  • An error condition in software that is generated by a [programs] inability to complete a task. Common causes of exceptions include [division] by 0 and calling of [nonexistent] files.

    Exception meaning & definition 2 of Exception.

  • The member of the opposite sex than one is making an exception for and bang. Obviously, this doesnt apply to anyone other than heterosexuals and [homosexuals].

    Can often be taken as an insult of ones [femininity]/[masculinity].

    Exception meaning & definition 3 of Exception.

  • [Sex], or anything [related] to [sexual satisfaction].

    Exception meaning & definition 4 of Exception.

  • A person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule.

    Exception meaning & definition 5 of Exception.

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