If youre like me, you picture a blob as a enigmatic green object that lacks a defined shape or size. In the computer world, however, blobs are a bit easier to define. The term blob actually stands for Binary Large Object and is used for storing information in databases.
A blob is a data type that can store binary data. This is different than most other data types used in databases, such as integers, floating point numbers, characters, and strings, which store letters and numbers. Since blobs can store binary data, they can be used to store images or other multimedia files. For example, a photo album could be stored in a database using a blob data type for the images, and a string data type for the captions.
Because blobs are used to store objects such as images, audio files, and video clips, they often require significantly more space than other data types. The amount of data a blob can store varies depending on the database type, but some databases allow blob sizes of several gigabytes. Now that is a big blob!Blob meaning & definition 1 of Blob.
What you call a big fat guy named BOB.
Blob meaning & definition 2 of Blob.
A menstruating ladys period
Blob meaning & definition 3 of Blob.
1-n-a person who is fat
2-n-the actual fat on a persons body
3-v-to do nothing of importance; hang around
4-v-to be PMSingBlob meaning & definition 4 of Blob.
BLOB is an acronym for Binary Large OBject. It is a data type used for storing large binary information in the database. Typically BLOBs are images, audio or other multimedia objects...
Blob meaning & definition 5 of Blob.
a term used in RTS game; Company of Heroes where players make large amounts of infantry and move all of them in one flank
Blob meaning & definition 6 of Blob.
A fat drunk obnoxious disgusting mooch who will eat anything as long as its free.
Blob meaning & definition 7 of Blob.
A blob is a basic last option bae when its coming to the end of the night and u want a quick fuck
Blob meaning & definition 8 of Blob.
an X-Men villain...a gigantic moving fat guy with strange hair.
Blob meaning & definition 9 of Blob.
to inject silicone, saline, or air into ones penis.
to create collages and nonspecific art pieces involving pictures of silicone, saline, or air injected penises.
the male genitalia itself post silicone, saline, or air injection.
Blob meaning & definition 10 of Blob.
a common name for a condom
Blob meaning & definition 11 of Blob.
A drop of a thick liquid or viscous substance.
Blob meaning & definition 12 of Blob.