To avoid any confusion, this term is pronounced exactly like the letter Q. It is not pronounced kay or kyoo-ee like some people seem to think it is. A queue is a list of jobs that are awaiting to be processed. When a job is sent to a queue, it is simply added to the list of jobs. Computer programs often work with queues as a way to order tasks. For example, when the CPU finishes one computation, it will process the next one in the queue.
A printer queue is a list of documents that are waiting to be printed. When you decide to print a document, it is sent to the printer queue. If there are no jobs currently in the queue, the document will be printed immediately. However, if there are jobs already in the queue, the new document will be added to the list and printed when the others have finished. Most printers today come with software that allows you to manually sort, cancel, and add jobs to the printer queue. While this may not seem like a great benefit for the typical home user, it can be a helpful tool for businesses where many people share one printer.Queue meaning & definition 1 of Queue.
[Literally] just the [letter] Q, but with 4 other [letters] so that its a word.
Queue meaning & definition 2 of Queue.
A [line] for [waiting].
Queue meaning & definition 3 of Queue.
noun ([French]) - slang for cock. [literal] meaning is [tail].
Queue meaning & definition 4 of Queue.
to share something of [insignificant] value that is consumed, as in cigarettes, beverages, etc. This is usually done with two or more friends, but it is possible to queue with just one other person. This doesnt really apply to food [per say], because [with food] youre kind of just sharing.
Queue meaning & definition 5 of Queue.
A list of potentials. As with any netflix queue, potentials can easily [move up] and down in the queue. Some you end up watching once and then return, others you hang onto for a while, some never [get to the point] where they enter your [mailbox]. Whats important is to have a good number of members in the queue - ideally of different genres. Some members should be action flicks, others romance, and its always good to have a few members that are just there for a good laugh.
Queue meaning & definition 6 of Queue.
A line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed.
Queue meaning & definition 7 of Queue.