• A new user of a technology, such as a computer, a certain computer program, or the Internet, is often referred to as a newbie. The term originated sometime around 1990 and supposedly comes from the English phrase, new boy, which refers to someone in their first year of public schooling. In online chat rooms, veteran net users like to call anybody who asks an easy question a newbie. If you ever get called a newbie, just shake it off -- everybody has to learn sometime.

    Newbie meaning & definition 1 of Newbie.

  • A newbie is a person who has recently started using a certain technology. It may refer to hardware – such as computer or smartphone – or software, such as an app, website, or web forum.
    The term newbie is a modern variation of the phrase new boy, which was historically used to describe someone just starting school or a new job. While newbie sounds like a derogatory term, it does not have strong negative connotations. After all, in the modern era, everyone is constantly learning new technologies. Everyone is a newbie in some area.
    Even highly technical people may be considered newbies when learning new technologies. This is often the case when someone switches from one platform to another. For example, a person who has used an iPhone for many years may be an Android newbie if he or she buys a Google Pixel. A PC user might be considered an Apple newbie if he or she buys a Mac.
    The term noob (or n00b in leetspeak) is a shortened version of newbie. While the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, noob is commonly used in online gaming. The term noob may be considered derogatory since it implies the user lacks the skill or competence to be competitive. For example, if one player dominates another in an online multiplayer game, he may call the other person a noob at the end of the match. Of course, this is poor netiquette and the best way to respond is to improve your gaming skills and beat the player the next time you play.

    Newbie meaning & definition 2 of Newbie.

  • An inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity.

    Newbie meaning & definition 3 of Newbie.

  • Not to be confused by noob, a newbie is a [newcomer] to anything. [Newbies] can spell, but they lack in whats new to them. Noobs and [newbies] are kinda opposites, in a way. Plus, newbies are usually more respectful than noobs.

    Newbie meaning & definition 4 of Newbie.

  • A term that was developed in [Vietnam] since 60% of the new recruits died in their first 3 months of service.

    The senior soldiers used to name the new recruits [newbies] so that they didnt have to know the real names of the soldiers when they died [in the field].

    Newbie meaning & definition 5 of Newbie.

  • What [Dr.Cox] usually calls [J.D] (from the sitcom [Scrubs].)

    Newbie meaning & definition 6 of Newbie.

  • [Newbies] known to be called as noob or newb. Just like braggers or [gold diggers] they will say that noob means dumb and stupid. but in another way.. [Newbies] are new players who are like stupid people but are new to the game. theyll sometime need to check how to play or check the rules.

    Newbie meaning & definition 7 of Newbie.

  • Man who [works] in [video] [store], and talks very fast

    Newbie meaning & definition 8 of Newbie.

  • A person new to a game, [concept], or forum. Not to be confused with [n00b], a stupid person. [Newbies] are just new.

    Newbie meaning & definition 9 of Newbie.

  • someone who has just started doing an activity, a job, etc.:

    Newbie meaning & definition 10 of Newbie.

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