• A very evil, sadistic person. This is a person whom the less sadistic, but still very evil [Dentist] will send you to in order to straighten your teeth. For the most part, it means having metal placed on your teeth for 2 to 4 years, which is called [Braces]. For others, it goes past braces and have to get [appliances] which are more pieces of metal placed AROUND the teeth. Appliances are usually placed on the roof of the mouth, but can also be placed on the floor of the mouth - under the tongue or on the sides of the mouth. Then theyre even less fortunate people whom have to have [Headgear], which is a piece placed outside on the face, attached to the back teeth by a long piece of wire. All of these orthodontic products are very awkward for the wearer. They cause discomfort, pain, and sometimes social stigmas.
    Once you start going to the orthodontist, you have to visit them every month or so in order to check up your progress and cause more discomfort and pain. After 2 to 4 years of brutal hell, the orthodontist lets you go. They take off the braces and any other appliance they placed in your mouth, but then you are cursed with a [Retainer]. Most orthodontists will tell you to wear the retainer for the rest of your life so your teeth wont shift. Most dont do that and thus the teeth shift, making all of the aforementioned procedures a waste of time.

    Orthodontist meaning & definition 1 of Orthodontist.

  • a person whose job is to correct the position of the teeth

    Orthodontist meaning & definition 2 of Orthodontist.

  • A dentist who is qualified to treat irregularities in the teeth and jaws.

    Orthodontist meaning & definition 3 of Orthodontist.

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