• A collection of breeding horses and mares, or the place wherethey are kept; also, a number of horses kept for a racing, riding,etc.In the studs of Ireland, where care is taken, we see horses bred ofexcellent shape, vigor, and size. Sir W. Temple.He had the finest stud in England, and his delight was to win platesfrom Tories. Macaulay.

    Stud meaning & definition 1 of Stud.

  • basically a badass... this person is really cool. Everyone looks up to them and wants to get with them. This person an be a male or a female gay or straight. studs do not discriminate. STUDS DOMINATE

    Stud meaning & definition 2 of Stud.

  • A ladies man, someone who is easily attached to girls and very noticeable.

    Stud meaning & definition 3 of Stud.

    1. a small piece of metal, often bolt shaped (seen often on belts and such)
    2. a small earring with a rounded top often used for piercing and worn by both men and women.
    3. a male animal desirable for breeding (like a racehorse)
    4. a guy who is popular with the ladies and has no trouble getting laid, and who may also be attractive-looking, but not always. (often used jokingly, see example)
    5. a butch lesbian

    Stud meaning & definition 4 of Stud.

  • A butch lesbian female.

    Stud meaning & definition 5 of Stud.

  • A man with very big useful bollocks.

    Stud meaning & definition 6 of Stud.

  • slang for when someone is very attractive

    Stud meaning & definition 7 of Stud.

  • A sexy, gorgeous, cool, [badass] [man dude] who every girl wants to [have sex] with.

    Stud meaning & definition 8 of Stud.

  • someone who is the man and gets all [the chicks] and is [good at everything] and you have to [chuck the duce] all the time

    Stud meaning & definition 9 of Stud.

  • A [stud] is an African American masculine or [AG] lesbian, not to be confused with a trans male or a [butch lesbian]. Butch Lesbians tend to be heavily influenced by urban and hip-hop cultures.

    Stud meaning & definition 10 of Stud.

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