a word that is said when you are the first one to post a comment on a video, picture, article on the net
First meaning & definition 1 of First.
Apparently sought after position of being the first person to write on an online comment section, only to use the opportunity to write first.
First meaning & definition 2 of First.
SPAM commenting on anything with the incorrect assumption you are the first to contribute. Only comments which refer in some way to the subject commented on are real first comments. In other words it isnt a first post solely to add the word first.
First meaning & definition 3 of First.
not second
First meaning & definition 4 of First.
1.First Means When u get a first prize metal.
2.First Means u came in that place in sport.First meaning & definition 5 of First.
a word used to describe the person you first have sexual intercourse with.
First meaning & definition 6 of First.
Coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.
First meaning & definition 7 of First.