• Much similar to the definition [hooptie], but in this case so fucking raggedy the car either can have a cloths wire for a door, broken seatbelts, makes strainge clunka clunka noises when its driving suggesting something is loose and dragging from the car, have a dishrag for a gas cap, have a paintjob with spraypaint, have 5 different colors of paint on it, get less than 5 miles a gallon, or all the above.

    Clunker meaning & definition 1 of Clunker.

  • An ugly piece of shit car that you should be embarrassed to drive.

    Usually has doors hanging half off, desperately needs a paint job and looks like its worth 2 cents.

    Clunker meaning & definition 2 of Clunker.

  • Anything which is so worn-down and clapped out that failure is inevitable. May also be applied to movies in the same way that [turkey] is, denoting a movie of such awfulness that it defies belief.

    Clunker meaning & definition 3 of Clunker.

  • A half full beer left over from the party the night before.

    Clunker meaning & definition 4 of Clunker.

  • a person in burlington, vt who rummages through recycling bins to find cans and bottles he or she can return at a grocery store for money. they make a lot of noise. they also stand outside and wait for you. theyre creepy. beware.

    Clunker meaning & definition 5 of Clunker.

  • A rehabilitation center or place of refuge from personal crisis, which ironically makes the visitor even more miserable. Clunkers, a cross-over of clutter and bunker, are typically overcrowded, caked in animal hair, and unpleasantly boring. They are convenient for necessary escape, but also agonizing just the same.

    Clunker meaning & definition 6 of Clunker.

  • A joke thats funny, but not witty at all. Like a pun. Often very obvious jokes. Related to clunky. Often doh and silences follow these jokes.
    People that make these clunkers generally think they are hilarious, but they are not. They are just idiots.

    Clunker meaning & definition 7 of Clunker.

  • a girl who you wouldnt date, strictly reserved for fucking

    Clunker meaning & definition 8 of Clunker.

  • A dilapidated vehicle or machine.

    Clunker meaning & definition 9 of Clunker.

  • A fat fish in the [freshwater] bass species who reach 3 lbs but never reach 5 lbs.
    Could be a [Largemouth bass], Smallmouth bass, Peacock, etc...
    A [good size] bass but not good enough to be called a Hog or Pig.

    Clunker meaning & definition 10 of Clunker.

  • An old, run-down vehicle or machine.

    Clunker meaning & definition 11 of Clunker.

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