• A long, hollow vessel, generally for holding water or other
    liquid, especially one formed by excavating a log longitudinally on one
    side; a long tray; also, a wooden channel for conveying water, as to a
    mill wheel.

    Trough meaning & definition 1 of Trough.

  • Trough in Surfing. The bottom of a wave.

    Trough meaning & definition 2 of Trough.

  • When youre having a low moment.
    Just like a [graph], there are peaks, and troughs, nobody wants to [trough]
    Includes: [poor performance], embarrassment, mistakes.

    Trough meaning & definition 3 of Trough.

  • A state of extreme blocked-ness following the consumption of an exceedingly large amount of [hard alcoholic] beverages (eg. [fruit shoot], ribena). There comes a stage when you tip over into [the trough]. If deep in the trough you will find it hard to escape and may have to accept the inevitable night of memory-less carnage. [The trough] can be a happy place but also a deep dark jungle of vomitting and tonguing fattys.

    Trough meaning & definition 4 of Trough.

  • [English way] of describing the way you feel when ill, mainly in conjunction with [a hangover]! Being a very low point at that time....a trough. Being in a trough is [not nice] at all.

    Trough meaning & definition 5 of Trough.

  • A [synonym] for [oral sex].

    Trough meaning & definition 6 of Trough.

  • My whole life has been a lie, why should it make sense for anything negative to be described by a work which is associated with positive connotations? Yes you’re getting there.. it shouldn’t
    The context of [peak] is completely linguistically [inaccurate]. Being politically correct, something ‘peak’ should actually be described as something ‘[trough]’ because of the unquestionable knowledge that through is by definition associated with things that are down and below, a much more appropriate connection to something being bad. See there you have it, we’ve [done it], we’ve broken the system and all I can say is, you’re welcome.

    Trough meaning & definition 7 of Trough.

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