Pertaining to, or resembling, a brute or brutes; of a cruel,gross, and stupid nature; coarse; unfeeling; unintelligent.O, let all provocation Take every brutish shape it can devise. LeighHunt.Man may . . . render himself brutish, but it is in vain that he wouldseek to take the rank and density of the brute. I. Taylor.
Brutish meaning & definition 1 of Brutish.
Resembling or characteristic of a brute.
Brutish meaning & definition 2 of Brutish.
They way you spell and pronounce British like a [demonized] child in girlish bohemian clothes thus looking like a French girl. The reason why Brutish is close to British is not only because of [the Brexit] vote and progress but for how they antagonize Mainland Europe just like in a number of TV programs featuring British people especially to mention that they are proud war-freaks hence they are not fit to be in the E.U. since the E.U. is generally built for peace so that is why Brexit Britain will be just a Great Brutain, isle of grayish [Brutes] in which it echoes the pragmatic French and Germans realizing that they call them names such as rosbif and Inselaffe(n).
Brutish meaning & definition 3 of Brutish.