• Green gram, a kind of pulse (Phaseolus Mungo), grown for foodin British India. Balfour (Cyc. of India).

    Mung meaning & definition 1 of Mung.

  • The one thing worse than genocide. One must first have no shame. Then he/she must use a newspaper to find the obituary of a recently deceased man or woman. Then must find a buddy, with no shame, who will aid them in this act. The partners then go to the cemetary where they dig up their victim, and flip a coin. The loser, (or winner depending on how sick you are), applies his/her lips to the genitals or anus of the corpse, while the other partner procedes to climb the nearest tombstone and elbow drop the corpses

    Mung meaning & definition 2 of Mung.

  • Its the stuff that comes out when you push on a pregnant womans stomach

    Mung meaning & definition 3 of Mung.

  • Computer programming term, stands for MODIFIED

    Mung meaning & definition 4 of Mung.

  • A type of Bean
    The mung bean is the seed of Vigna radiata which is native to India. Mung beans are commonly used in Chinese cooking. Germinated mung bean sprouts (usually sold simply as bean

    Mung meaning & definition 5 of Mung.

  • You and a friend dig up a not-too-recently deceased woman, preferably over 60 years in age. You lay her face up on the ground and you put your mouth on her vagina. Your friend takes a running start and jumps onto her stomach. You eat whatever comes out into your mouth.

    Mung meaning & definition 6 of Mung.

  • The worst possible thing that could be imagined, conceived, or performed by the human mind. Eating the remaining bodily fluids of a dead women may fall under this category.

    Mung meaning & definition 7 of Mung.

  • In Australia the term - Mung / Munging / Mung out, means to eat. this is done most often while stoned or drunk. But it's just another term for eating, many people in Australia use this term.

    Mung meaning & definition 8 of Mung.

  • Australian -Verb - To eat with gusto and vigour, particularly when very hungry.
    Comes from French: to eat - manger

    Mung meaning & definition 9 of Mung.

  • Broadly defined as anything that is very disgusting. Originally from the acronym Mash Until No Good from the practice of making many changes to a code until it is useless. Made popular from the Saturday Night Live sketch Waynes World, it was in the top 5 worst things to get in your halloween bag. It was mentioned again in South Park episode 317, this time more narrowly defined as a substance which comes out of a pregnant womans vagina when pressure is applied to her stomach. And somehow an urban legend involving corpse fluids has sprung off the term mung, though there is no documentation supporting that this is anything other than a gross-out story.

    Mung meaning & definition 10 of Mung.

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