• The [incorrect] [name] for [Extreme Lying Down].

    Planking meaning & definition 3 of Planking.

  • The art of planking is to [lay] horizontally across any object or the ground with their arms by their sides, [aiming] to occur in [daring] situations or a brotherly display of core-strength..

    Planking meaning & definition 4 of Planking.

  • To plank. To lay horizontally in a strange or unusual place. To [plank you] must lay horizontally straighten your body and point your fingers and [toes down] (towards your feet), then you must name your plank and post a picture of the creator (of [the plank]) performing [the pose] on Facebook.
    Planking is a great pastime for people who get bored easily and have friends willing to take pictures of them looking like retards. Public planking is more adventurous and is harder to pull off especially on things like: cop cars, public toilets, and in the middle of six way highways.
    Planking can also be dangerous if performed: in places of frequent use, the tops of tall buildings and placed frequented by pedophiles and rapists.

    Planking meaning & definition 5 of Planking.

  • A [newer] name for [the lying down game], where you [pose] for a picture lying flat on your face in an unusual location.

    Planking meaning & definition 6 of Planking.

  • [Parkour] for people who cant [move] [fast]

    Planking meaning & definition 7 of Planking.

  • When one proceeds to lie flat on a dangerous/unusual surface, with their hands by their sides. A photo is then taken of the [planker], and posted online. It is a competition to [plank] in the most unusual/dangerous place. People have died planking - yet it is still an internet [craze]. Its fucking stupid.

    Planking meaning & definition 8 of Planking.

  • Probably the most stupid thing you will ever see in this world. If you see something [stupider] than that, you can kill yourself. Planking is recognized by some as a sport, -which I say, if they insist [calling it] a sport, then its gotta be the only sport americans can practice.-
    It consists in one dumb moron laying down with his face on the floor. [Believe it or not], one person got killed while practicing this sport.

    Planking meaning & definition 9 of Planking.

  • When a man has really bad [morning wood] but he also has to [pee] so he [lays] on top of the toilet to pee

    Planking meaning & definition 10 of Planking.

  • Planks collectively, especially when used for flooring or as part of a boat.

    Planking meaning & definition 11 of Planking.

  • an area of planks used to form a surface:

    Planking meaning & definition 12 of Planking.

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