• Variegated in color; consisting of different colors;
    dappled; party-colored; as, a motley coat.

    Motley meaning & definition 1 of Motley.

  • incongruously varied in [appearance] or [character]; disparate

    Motley meaning & definition 2 of Motley.

  • Wild and crazy; loud. [Greatest] [80s] [hair metal] band alive!!

    Motley meaning & definition 3 of Motley.

  • [Behaviour] associated with football fans and general laddish [behaviour].
    Plural: [Mots] or [Motz]

    Motley meaning & definition 4 of Motley.

  • The clothing worn by a [clown] or [jester], especially during times such as Mardi-Gras or [Carnival].

    Motley meaning & definition 5 of Motley.

  • [Outside smell]. The smell of the [outside] in your [clothing].

    Motley meaning & definition 6 of Motley.

  • Motley,meaning [ugly], or [gross] [looking]

    Motley meaning & definition 7 of Motley.

  • a term describing a guy who beats girls and is a [violent]...choice weapon is either [rolled up] newspapers or extremely small [penises]

    Motley meaning & definition 8 of Motley.

  • Someone who belongs to The [Motley Crew] - a bunch of [scally] bitches.
    The type of person who [judges] others for their appearence, their taste in music, how much money they have - and just about everything else. They are pathetic sheep who, on their own, cannot survive.

    Motley meaning & definition 9 of Motley.

  • A crazy [chevy] [driver] that beats women with small [penises] which is usually his.

    Motley meaning & definition 10 of Motley.

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