A plant of the genus Cannabis (C. sativa), the fibrous skin orbark of which is used for making cloth and cordage. The name is alsoapplied to various other plants yielding fiber.
Hemp meaning & definition 1 of Hemp.
Derivative of the plant Cannabis containing a very small amount of Delta-9 THC (the active incredient of Marijuana). It can be used for many things, including being woven into jewelry, sails, paper, clothing, rope, and more. A potential substitute for fossil fuels that is renewable. Is grown quickly and takes few chemicals to grow or turn into paper, so it is a far better source for paper than trees. Also, the seeds contain more protein than any other natural non-meat food. Basically, an all purpose plant that is illegal because the US government is racist.
Hemp meaning & definition 2 of Hemp.
you retard. you don't smoke hemp.
Hemp meaning & definition 3 of Hemp.
Many people may not know it, but hemp is the most versatile [plant] in the world.
Some of its uses include textiles, fuel, paper, food and fiber.
[Marijuana] derives from the bud, leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, which is the main excuse for the illegalization of hemp.
It has an interesting relationship with the [law]. The government used to allow people to pay their taxes with hemp, however it is outlawed in most countries.
If hemp was made legal worldwide, it could potentially reverse global warming.Hemp meaning & definition 4 of Hemp.
a term used to refer to varieties of [cannabis] [sativa] grown for industrial (non-drug purposes). varieties approved for industrial use have very low [THC] content; the main psychoactive cannabinoid. varieties cultivated for recreational or medicinal uses have higher concentrations of THC, but generally have poor fiber quality and are therefore not used industrially.
hemp has many uses, some of which are:
hemp cultivation is regulated in some countries, and outlawed in others (much like varieties of cannabis used for recreational or medicinal drug use).Hemp meaning & definition 5 of Hemp.
The cannabis plant, especially when grown for fibre.
Hemp meaning & definition 6 of Hemp.
a family of plants, some of which are used to make rope and strong, rough cloth and others of which are used to produce the drug cannabis
Hemp meaning & definition 7 of Hemp.