A heavy locomotive for freight traffic, having three pairs ofconnected driving wheels and a two-wheeled truck. Great, or Grand,Mogul, the sovereign of the empire founded in Hindostan by theMongols under Baber in the sixteenth century. Hence, a very importantpersonage; a lord; -- sometimes only mogul. Dryden.
Mogul meaning & definition 1 of Mogul.
A very powerful and influential person in a business/industry. Power derived from experience and skill, not popularity (most celebrities while called moguls are in fact not).
Mogul meaning & definition 2 of Mogul.
Moguls are bumps in a ski slope formed when skiers cut grooves in the snow as they execute turns.
For forum use, mogul may be typed instead of the word 'BUMP' to bring a topic to the top of the forum list.Mogul meaning & definition 3 of Mogul.
an alpine speed-bump
Mogul meaning & definition 4 of Mogul.
Most annoying fuckin thing a snowboarder (like me) has to deal with
Mogul meaning & definition 5 of Mogul.
The process in which a female jerks off two men simultaneously [ski pole] while being nailed from behind.
The movements are strikingly similar to a downhill mogul skier.
A variation can be added by pulling out of the females vagina and slamming your penis into her ass, thereby causing her to flinch upwards and look like she is doing a ski jump, the end of a mogul skiers run.
Mogul meaning & definition 6 of Mogul.
Mogul in Skiing - Freestyle Skiing. A hillock or bump on a trail created by a number of skiers who have used the same point at which to turn.
Mogul meaning & definition 7 of Mogul.
an important person who is very rich or powerful:
Mogul meaning & definition 8 of Mogul.