• A mode of opening the game, in which a pawn is sacrificed
    to gain an attacking position.

    Gambit meaning & definition 1 of Gambit.

  • An act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation.

    Gambit meaning & definition 2 of Gambit.

  • Totally badass [X-Man] of Cajun decent.
    Adopted into the Thieves Guild of New Orleans as a child, [Remy LeBeau] become a [master thief]. He also learned several forms of hand-to-hand combat, including the use of a [bo staff], and can throw many different types of objects with deadly accuracy.
    After being forced to flee the Thieves Guild, Gambit eventually met long-time X-woman Storm, who sponsored his memebership into the X-Men.
    Gambit wears a trenchcoat, [breastplate], and high metal boots. His mutant abilities include enhanced agility, the ability to charge objects with an unknown form of explosive energy, and discolored eyes which are black with red pupils. He always carries several decks of playing cards for charging and throwing as weapons. He also carries a long metal bo staff and a bag full of skeleton keys.
    Gambit has had a long-standing relationship with Rogue, another member of the X-Men. Recently, both she and Gambit lost their powers in a fight with inter-dimensional invaders.

    Gambit meaning & definition 3 of Gambit.

  • Gambit: Refers to your boner, however not just any boner. Your wood must be a [raging] [pulsating] [industrial] sized boner, only then is it up to the level of Gambit.

    Gambit meaning & definition 4 of Gambit.

  • An [X-Men] [deprived] of sex because he cant [touch] his woman. Or he die.

    Gambit meaning & definition 5 of Gambit.

  • The game mode that might [revive] [Destiny 2] and save [Bungies] family.

    Gambit meaning & definition 6 of Gambit.

  • [The skin] [connecting] your balls to your [thigh].

    The area in between the side of your scrotum and your thigh (inside, at the top)

    Gambit meaning & definition 7 of Gambit.

  • To drunkenly throw any object at the person next to you while [yelling] Gambit! [regardless] of [knowing] them or not.

    Gambit meaning & definition 8 of Gambit.

  • a clever action in a game or other situation that is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk:

    Gambit meaning & definition 9 of Gambit.

  • A device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage.

    Gambit meaning & definition 10 of Gambit.

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