• Fidelity to ones lord; the feudal obligation by which the
    tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord; the special oath
    by which this obligation was assumed; fidelity to a superior power, or
    to a government; loyality. It is no longer the practice to exact the
    performance of fealty, as a feudal obligation.

    Fealty meaning & definition 1 of Fealty.

  • A feudal tenant

    Fealty meaning & definition 2 of Fealty.

  • To [give] oneself entirely to [ones] [lord].

    Fealty meaning & definition 3 of Fealty.

  • Comparable to loyalty, an Oath of Fealty was often sworn to the [feudal] lord, most commonly on a religious item such as a bible, or [a relic] that had some form of significance to those involved.

    Derived from [Fidelity], to be true or loyal to a person. Often used in the context of relationships saying to be faithful.

    Fealty meaning & definition 4 of Fealty.

  • When you have an inconvenient crush and you hide it by [treating] her people as [your people].

    See also: Whipped [Lexa]

    Fealty meaning & definition 5 of Fealty.

  • loyalty, especially to a king or queen:

    Fealty meaning & definition 6 of Fealty.

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