• The act of detaining or keeping back; a withholding.

    Detention meaning & definition 1 of Detention.

  • A place where in my [case] I [catch up] on [sleep].

    Detention meaning & definition 2 of Detention.

  • Where [Nathan Sykes] [likes] to [get physical].

    Detention meaning & definition 3 of Detention.

  • A stupid way [teachers] try to [teach] you a lesson...[by the way], it doesnt work!

    Detention meaning & definition 4 of Detention.

  • -a room where you sit in when a teacher wants you to think about what youve done
    -where most people [get sent] to for [tardies] and [gum]

    Detention meaning & definition 5 of Detention.

  • What students hate to get but [kinky] [adults] [love to] play.

    Detention meaning & definition 6 of Detention.

  • A special room in high school, where you go if you do something very severe,


    Get caught cheating

    Bad-mouthing a teacher

    Get caught leaving the school grounds before school is over

    Fighting with a fellow student or faculty.

    The student who was [in violation] has to collect all their assignments from their assigned teachers, and they are not allowed to go to the cafeteria for their lunch break, lunch is to be eaten in the [detention] room.

    Detention meaning & definition 7 of Detention.

  • The action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.

    Detention meaning & definition 8 of Detention.

  • Surprising [better than] [school].

    Detention meaning & definition 9 of Detention.

  • Its not good at all. Some detentions can vary depending on what you did. For example if you told the principle to go to hell that is a full day. If you simply had your phone out in class then its a [lunch detention]. Full day detention are way worse. 2 restroom breaks, not allowed to go to the [cafeteria] to get your lunch ( the teachers get it for you) and your teachers send ALL the work you have to do down to detention in my school. Worst of all if you dont [get it done], congraluations you just got 2 to 3 hours of homework. After school detentions are the worst. You are held in school after everyone has left. Ive only got lunch detentions. its where you get your lunch then go to detention.

    Detention meaning & definition 10 of Detention.

  • A punishment used in school in which a student is required to show up before or after school or to stay in during [recess] or lunch. [Detention] may occur in a [detention] hall, on the wall, or in a classroom. As a result of receiving detention students are stripped of their undergarments and are not allowed to wear them again. As a result of detention, students are required to go [commando] as a sign of their punishment.

    Detention meaning & definition 11 of Detention.

  • When you did nothing wrong but [the demons] ([techers]) still [torture] you

    Detention meaning & definition 12 of Detention.

  • A shippers fee charged when a truck is not loaded within a certain time frame, which holds up the truck at the warehouse or processing plant.

    Detention meaning & definition 13 of Detention.

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