A introductory portion; an introduction or preface, as to abook, document, etc.; specifically, the introductory part of astatute, which states the reasons and intent of the law.
Preamble meaning & definition 1 of Preamble.
n. The rituals and rites, the gathering of things and the tying of shoes, that immediately preceed a walk.
Preamble meaning & definition 2 of Preamble.
The constant talk and build up of near-future sex, usually from the male in a relationship, generally resulting in the female being a) annoyed, b) grossed out c) disinterested or d) any/all of a,b,c.
Preamble meaning & definition 3 of Preamble.
The music played at a venue before and during a band's set up.
Preamble meaning & definition 4 of Preamble.
an introduction to a speech or piece of writing
Preamble meaning & definition 5 of Preamble.
A preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction.
Preamble meaning & definition 6 of Preamble.