A wind instrument of the double reed kind, furnished withholes, which are stopped by the fingers, and by keys, as in flutes.It forms the natural bass to the oboe, clarinet, etc.
Bassoon meaning & definition 1 of Bassoon.
The world's coolest instrument. Sounds like a dying duck fart, unless you know how to play. Which I do, so boo-yah. Also, as I've been told many many many many times, it looks like a bong. OK, I get it, move on with your life already.
Bassoon meaning & definition 2 of Bassoon.
due to the nature of the instrument, bassoonists are quite good with their tongues.
Bassoon meaning & definition 3 of Bassoon.
A bassoon is a musical instument that some say looks like a bong. Traditionally, it's made of wood, but they can be made of this crappy plastic stuff. (plastic bassoons don't sound near as nice as the wooden ones.)
Bassoons produce a dark rich tone in the hands of an experienced player. However, anyone else sounds like they're killing a large beast.
Bassoons require a [double reed].
Bassoon meaning & definition 4 of Bassoon.
A large wooden double reeded instrument that is often mistaken for an oboe by people that have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Or, someone is resembling it to a bong. i have heard on numerous occasions, farting
Bassoon meaning & definition 5 of Bassoon.
probably the best instrument ever.
not a dying duck, but a cool thing.
very hard to play.
must be good at blowing and moving fingers fast.
also you loose breath fast and it's very expensive.
makes people jealous.Bassoon meaning & definition 6 of Bassoon.
The larger of the two standard double reed instruments in the orchestra. It resembles a Victorian bedpost and one must have double jointed thumbs to play it! It can play in the [bass] range, however it's most lyrical range is in the [tenor].
Bassoon meaning & definition 7 of Bassoon.
The best instrument EVER. It produces a dark, round, rich sound which is very unique, especially in the upper register.
Though it is extremely difficult at first, once you get the hang of using your thumbs more it gets easy; but it requires hours of practice and perseverance.
Not only that, but Colleges and Universities are always looking out for good Bassoonists because they earn very good scholarships and are usually very intelligent.
Number one rule to play Bassoon: You need to have a sense of humor.
Bassoon meaning & definition 8 of Bassoon.
The bassoon is by far the best instrument ever, making the other sections bow down to them. If you fail to play it right though, it will sound like a duck that is dying.
And although it is the best, the other sections must confuse the bassoon with the oboe every other time they say the name, because they do not know any better.
Commonly referred to as the fartingBassoon meaning & definition 9 of Bassoon.