• An enlargement and inflammation of a small membranous sac
    (one of the bursae muscosae), usually occurring on the first joint of
    the great toe.

    Bunion meaning & definition 1 of Bunion.

  • when the joints of the big toe bone and the [pinky toe] bone become deformed and point out in opposite directions of the foot. this can result from wearing [pointy] [high heel] shoes or it can be hereditary

    Bunion meaning & definition 2 of Bunion.

  • BUNION- a disgusting [lumps] of skin on ones foot generally on the toes. built up caluses on a foot. looks like [baby toes] [sprouting] from the foot.

    Bunion meaning & definition 3 of Bunion.

  • An [Ugly], hard [lump on] the [foot]

    Bunion meaning & definition 4 of Bunion.

  • 1.The funniest word used in the planet.
    2.A [deformed] [lump on] [the side] of the foot.

    Bunion meaning & definition 5 of Bunion.

  • A [bunion] is the result of wrapping up a small animal, preferably a cat, with a blanket tight enough [to where] it cant move.
    The animals head is the only area left [unwrapped].

    Bunion meaning & definition 6 of Bunion.

  • A large behind. Otherwise known as a FAT ASS. The more [recognized] use is for [the ugly] [bump] on your foot

    Bunion meaning & definition 7 of Bunion.

  • A [term] for [Marijuana]

    Bunion meaning & definition 8 of Bunion.

  • an alternative name, a very vague [play on words] for people with the surname [Bullas], popular around middle England areas such as Birmingham and [Coventry].
    The nickname became commonly used around the 1990s, the origins of the use of the word are unknown however.

    Bunion meaning & definition 9 of Bunion.

  • the nickname for any stupid student as given by the world famous [photo]/[shop] teacher at [Beachwood] High School

    Bunion meaning & definition 10 of Bunion.

  • A painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe.

    Bunion meaning & definition 11 of Bunion.

  • In bunion, the joint at the base of the big toe appears to stick out (becomes prominent).

    Abnormalities in joint position or motion can distort and enlarge or seem to enlarge the joint that connects the big toe with the foot.
    Pain and swelling can affect the inner part of the joint or the entire joint.
    The diagnosis is based on symptoms and an examination, and sometimes fluid in the joint is tested.
    Changing shoes, using pads or devices placed in the shoe that help redistribute and relieve pressure from affected joint, or a combination of such measures usually helps.

    (See also Overview of Foot Problems.)
    A bunion occurs when the big toe and/or the bone to which it connects is out of position.
    When the base of the big toe abnormally points outward and the tip of the big toe points inward (toward the second toe), the condition is called hallux valgus (see Figure: Hallux Valgus With a Bunion). Hallux valgus causes a bunion.
    Factors that contribute to bunion formation may include excessive rolling inward (pronation) of the foot, wearing tight-fitting and pointed-toe shoes, and occasionally injury. Osteoarthritis may develop, and bone spurs may form. Osteoarthritis may cause joint scarring, limiting the foot’s range of motion. The joint may swell, and a bursa (a fluid-filled sac) often develops and becomes painful if tight-fitting shoes are worn. Occasionally, gout can cause sudden attacks in which the bunion becomes red, painful, and swollen.

    Bunion meaning & definition 12 of Bunion.

  • Bunion is a prominence of the medial portion of the head of the 1st metatarsal bone. The cause is often variations in position of the 1st metatarsal bone or great toe, such as lateral angulation of the great toe (hallux valgus). Secondary osteoarthritis and spur formation are common. Symptoms may include pain and redness, bursitis medial to the joint, and mild synovitis. Diagnosis is usually clinical. Treatment is usually a shoe with a wide toe box, protective pads, and orthotics. For bursitis or synovitis, corticosteroid injection may be helpful.
    (See also Overview of Foot and Ankle Disorders.)
    Contributing factors may include excessive foot pronation, wearing tight and pointed-toe shoes, and occasionally trauma. Joint misalignment causes osteoarthritis with cartilage erosion and exostosis formation, resulting in joint motion being limited (hallux limitus) or eliminated (hallux rigidus). In late stages, synovitis occurs, causing joint swelling. In reaction to pressure from tight shoes, an adventitious bursa can develop medial to the joint prominence, which can become painful, swollen, and inflamed (see figure Bunion).

    Bunion meaning & definition 13 of Bunion.

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