The rump of beef; esp., the lower and back part of the rump.Natch bone, the edgebone, or aitchbone, in beef.
Natch meaning & definition 1 of Natch.
Abbreviation for naturally.
Natch meaning & definition 2 of Natch.
Shortened form of Naturally.
Natch meaning & definition 3 of Natch.
natch is a synonym for naturally.
Natch meaning & definition 4 of Natch.
Word used to reference a womans genital area and a substitute for calling a person cunt, bitch, or hoe.
A way of expressing hate towards someone.
Calling some a natch is the equivalent of saying go fuck yourself
Simply throwing the word natch anywhere in a sentence will make sense to the average human.
Natch meaning & definition 5 of Natch.
The hair that collects in the belly-button after wearing a shirt/T-shit for a day. The natch can vary in colour depending on the colour of shirt.
Natch meaning & definition 6 of Natch.
Stands for natural swag.
Natch meaning & definition 7 of Natch.
A secret society of natchs. the society has very strict rules and and is very selective of their members. The meaning of natch is never spoken and is held only among those who go through natch cycle. A natch is someone who lives by the code of the natch.
Natch meaning & definition 8 of Natch.