• The act or result of breaking down, as of a carriage;

    Breakdown meaning & definition 1 of Breakdown.

  • Considered the most brutal section of a metal/metalcore/hardcore song. The breakdown is characterized by a beat much slower than the main verses and chorus of a song, the primary ingredients being a steady beat from the drums (with lots of [cymbal] and sometimes double-bass) and a chugging rhythm from the guitar.
    Originally developed by [Atilla the Hun], the breakdown had its place in warfare for many years. That was, until people began to notice that the Earths human and animal population had begun to decrease exponentially from direct exposure to breakdowns. Other health complications also arose from indirect exposure such as 4th degree burns, the introduction of the [Ebola virus], and terminal bleeding of the ears. For many centuries, the breakdown was outlawed in civilized nations, at least until war broke out in Europe in the late 1930s.
    It was used primarily by the axis powers during WWII to rip the [faces off] of the allies during an approach. When Hitler got word that Nazi forces were using the breakdown against the enemy, he called it off saying No way man, thats too [fucking brutal].
    Its also a proven historical fact that [the atomic bomb] explosions over [Hiroshima and Nagasaki] in Japan were staged by the U.S. government. Instead, the government had agreed to blast two very metal breakdowns over the Japanese cities. Knowing that the American public would not condone their actions, there was a big cover up involving the use of atomic weapons.
    The breakdown we know today has been manipulated to the point that, under strict government regulations, it can be used in sanctioned locations. With the rise of heavy metal, evolving into what we call metalcore music, rock artists have learned the proper ways to display this once deadly technique to the public in a fashion that will kill as few people as possible.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 2 of Breakdown.

  • if [music] were [sex], the breakdown would be the [orgasm].

    Breakdown meaning & definition 3 of Breakdown.

  • A style of guitar riff used in Hardcore (punk) music that consists of a single note being chugged slowly for maximum heaviness and [brutality]. Different rhythms and numbers of strums are used in a repeated fashion for usually [2 to 4] bars in length. Written equilivent: JUD-JUD, JUD-JUD, JUDJUDJUDJUD, JUD-JUD, JUD-JUD ...and so forth.
    Great for [hardcore dancing].

    Breakdown meaning & definition 4 of Breakdown.

  • [The reason] [my neck] is in a [brace] right now.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 5 of Breakdown.

  • Sections of hardcore / metalcore / deathcore songs which are rhythmically appropriate for most forms of hardcore dancing (mosh), but not appropriate for [two-stepping]. In order to be rhythmically appropriate, the music must conform to the following requirements:

    Tempo: Breakdowns are characterized by tempos in the 65 [bpm] - 70 bpm range, but also spanning from 50 bpm (double breakdown), to 90 bpm (fast breakdown / stomp breakdown).

    Content: Breakdowns are further characterized by strong emphasis on rhythm, snares on the 2nd

    Breakdown meaning & definition 6 of Breakdown.

  • The part in a song (usually associated with Hardcore, Metal, and [Metalcore] music genres) where the music becomes heavy and [rythmic]. Usually has a brutal sound to it and is the perfect music to open a pit or dance to. [Breakdowns] are what makes hardcore. The singer also usually sings a line or two of memorable lyrics, and then repeats them until the breakdown is over.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 7 of Breakdown.

  • (n.) - a section in a piece of music where rhythmic emphasis is [shifted] causing [the note] value of the previously determined [meter] to be (typically) halved. used for contrast.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 8 of Breakdown.

  • the point in a song at which time (not tempo) slows down. it is usually associated with metal, hardcore, metalcore, and other sub-genres of metal and [hardcore music]. often the guitar during a breakdown is palm-muted and is played using breaks or rests to create a [choppy], brutal sound. the guitar can also be played strummed or [rung] out and still be considered a breakdown. what makes the part of a song a breakdown is mostly determined by the speed of the drums and also somewhat the style in which the drummer plays in that speed.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 9 of Breakdown.

  • A part of a hardcore song where one note is played repeatedly in a chugging-like beat. Though it sounds pretty hardcore and brutal, it is a shame that almost all of them sound the same. [Breakdowns] also start the [hardcore dance], where the crowd [flails] their arms around and kicks their legs around. Maybe trying to hit somebody, maybe not. Either way, it looks stupid.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 10 of Breakdown.

  • very popular in most [styles of music] which involve men wearing thier sisters pants screaming about thier ex girlfriends and [period pains]. a chugging action performed on guitar which only one arm is needed to perform, one armed retards, aswell as, normal retards, love this because, its an excuse not to have a riff which takes time to write and practice to perfect, people who enjoy this usally start having fits and waving thier arms and legs around trying to be as gay as they can in the biggest amount of space possible.

    drumming for a breakdown is just basically a drummer trying to hit every tom, [cymbal], and the snare at the exact same time.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 11 of Breakdown.

  • Breakdown in Wrestling. A wrestler brings their opponent to their side or stomach by removing their hand and/or knee support.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 12 of Breakdown.

  • A mechanical failure.

    Breakdown meaning & definition 13 of Breakdown.

  • a guitar rhythm usually played in [metalcore] [gigs] made up of the [tabs] 1010101100101010

    Breakdown meaning & definition 14 of Breakdown.

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