A remarkable ganoid fish (Polypterus bichir) found in the Nileand other African rivers. See Brachioganoidei.
Bichir meaning & definition 1 of Bichir.
An elongated African freshwater fish with an armour of hard shiny scales and a series of separate fins along its back.
Bichir meaning & definition 2 of Bichir.
A species of [penis fish] native to the Earth. They are known to fuck up your goldfish so make sure your goldfish have signed a [restraining order] to stay at least 50.05 miles away from the beast as it evolved to have inner jetpacks to launch itself 50.45 miles where ever it pleases. And it wont die since that mother fucker has lungs.
[Top 3] ways to pronounce it:
1: Bitch-er
2: Bi-sh-her
3: Bi-ch-erBichir meaning & definition 3 of Bichir.