• A stupid person who breathes through their mouth, like P Diddy.

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 1 of Mouth breather.

  • General term for [a fucking idiot].
    Usually seen with a [blank stare] on their face, mouth slightly [agape], and possibly a little bit of drool coming out.

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 2 of Mouth breather.

  • A person who breathes through their mouth, thus having their mouth hang open. Their mouth can be anywhere from barely open, to gaping, and usually the more open it is, the more idiotic, and unintelligent they look. Mouth [Breathers] may or may not be intelligent, however, due to the fact that they dont realize their mouth is gaping, they just look like a moron, who may drool at any moment, but is deffinately sucking in as much air as possible.
    Mouth [breathers] tend to be people who are bored, [zoning out], very focused on something, someone with huge lips, or someone who isnt smart enough to realize their mouth is hanging open, catching flys. All tend to appear as the latter.
    People who are sick and cant actually breathe through their noses do not count.

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 3 of Mouth breather.

  • A nearly [wiped out] ethnic group of humans who breath very noisily through the mouth only. Major causes of death are from [suffocation] while: giving [blow jobs], eating, or attempting to breathe from the nose.

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 4 of Mouth breather.

  • Adj: - derogative term - Someone of a lower (or no) class – Usually found in large packs in city centres – can be of any age (although [motherhood] stats at 14) – standard attire – Tracksuit bottoms – [fake Burberry] caps – jewellery from [Elisabeth] Duke of Argos. Derived from the fact they breathe through there mouths.

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 5 of Mouth breather.

  • A subspecies of Homo-sapiens known for their lack of any intelligence whatsoever. Their young are raised entirely on a diet of [Ribena] and [Chicken Nuggets], whilst the adults have no interests other than [Stella Artois] and ITV2.

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 6 of Mouth breather.

  • Any person who is so stupid that they dont have the ability to breathe out of their nose.

    A person who cannot cut over a 35 on their [ASVAB].

    Somebody whos [lower lip] is so big that it can be caught on a trip [wire] due to the over breathing through the only orifice they know how to breathe out of.

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 7 of Mouth breather.

  • Mouth breather was used by [Jennifer Love Hewitt] in Heartbreakers. She was annoyed with a guy who she considered a stupid idiot. It was later used [sever] times in [Stranger Things].

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 8 of Mouth breather.

  • Someone who breaths [out of there] [mouth] because they have a deviated ceptum or there nose is [messed up]

    Mouth breather meaning & definition 9 of Mouth breather.

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