Herbert Christopher is a former professional American football player who played safety for four seasons for the Kansas City Chiefs in the National Football League.
used by rapper esoteric, in the song herb. pronounced like its spelled, no silent h. it doesnt mean weed or drugs, its a term for someone who follows trends, or just is a complete bullshitter. basicly one of those kind of people that nobody likes.
Herb meaning & definition 1 of Herb.
(on the streets) A stupid person.
(on the internet)A geek or a dork. A stupid person.
Herb meaning & definition 2 of Herb.
Insult synonomous with loser but can have multiple negative connotations. Pronounced HURB with no silent h.The term was popularized in upstate New York and spread from there.
The word herb has nothing to do with marijuana.Herb meaning & definition 3 of Herb.
Someone who tries too hard to be cool. An overzealous poseur. When you think youre on some next shit, but youre really on some bullshit
Herb meaning & definition 4 of Herb.
(noun) Nerd; dork; geek; generally uncool person. Originated in early 1980s Burger King ad campaign in which a nerd named HERB was featured. The term was subsequently embraced by the hip hop generation.
(noun) Weed. Silent H.
Herb meaning & definition 5 of Herb.
a loser...someone who tries to be like like other people to much...someone whos a cornball etc...
Herb meaning & definition 6 of Herb.
a slang tern for marijuana
Herb meaning & definition 7 of Herb.