• Fyi meaning & definition 1 of Fyi.

  • FYI means For Your Information... i dunno WTH u ppl are on about; sayin it means Fuck You Idiot... and that crap...its been on TV, on kids programmes...on the Simpsons...

    Fyi meaning & definition 2 of Fyi.

  • FYI is an acronym for For your information. So, instead of writing For your information you would simply write FYI to get your point across. (Hence, an acronym)
    An e-mail may be forwarded and in the content you can write FYI and the reader should then scroll down to read the remainder of the e-mail.
    Can be mistaken for For your FYI - this is misuse of acronym.

    Fyi meaning & definition 3 of Fyi.

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