• The stereotype for a kid(13-19) who has a lower tolerance for sad emotions, and feels inadiquet of their own personal worth(feels like they arent good enough). Many emos feel so depressed that they resort to cutting to themselves. Emo boys often weird girls pants and dye their hair black, with a pyrimid spiked belt, and tight tee shirts(usualy black). It is known that emos have a kind of rule that 2/5 of their face must be covered by hair, although it is actualy a subconscious feeling of wanting to cover up their sadness(eyes).

    Emo kids meaning & definition 1 of Emo kids.

  • The fans of emo music (emocore, emotional hardcore), a music genre consisting of hardcore rock with angsty lyrics and a good dose of screaming. The singers/screamers of emo music are typically relatively young guys with feminine voices. Emo bands are also (in stereotype) primarily from New Jersey.

    The style of clothing stereotypically worn by fans of emo music. This consists of, in general: tight band t-shirts or vintage 80s t-shirts, longer (messy) hair often died black, tight (usual girls) pants, shoes by Vans or Converse, messenger bags, anything checkered (usually black-and-white or black-and-pink), studded belts, thick-framed glasses, neckties, etc.
    (Note: girl emo kids often cut their hair short in the back and angled down in the front, less often died black)

    The mood that stereotypically displays being an emo kid. They are generally considered the subculture of high-school, and while sometimes referred to as manic depressive or cutters, are usually quite social. Very romantic, often downtrodden. More realistically, teenagers who listen to heavy music and have no qualms with displaying their emotions. (ie, dont feel the need to prove themselves as bad-@23986, like many rock fans.)

    Emo kids meaning & definition 2 of Emo kids.

  • Emo is basicly the new trend or whatever?? Umm...you are not emo if you go around telling people youre emo and wear shirts that actually say the word EMO on them. Half the people following this trend were WIGGERS last year and are all of a sudden talking about how rap is forbidden if you wanna be emo. You cant just wake up one day and decide youre going to chop your hair unevenly and cake on eyeliner. People need to understand that. People also need to quit sterotyping kids that are emo. That just proves that they are pathetic and have nothing better to do than judge people. And no...not all emo kids are obsessed with their hair and not all emo guys wear girl pants or whatever you wanna call them, and not all emos cut themselves and show their scars off! If they really are emotional and do cut themselves then they arent going to show anyone. They will try and cover it up.

    Emo kids meaning & definition 3 of Emo kids.

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