• A Nazi-era terminology; referring to the human ashes falling in the [Third Reich] when people were incinerated en masse. Its acronym, [SS], is also a deliberate nod to the Schutzstaffel (also called SS), the paramilitary death squad of Nazi Germany.
    In the 21st Century, the [Alt-Reich] has expanded the terms usage to actual living people, especially political dissident of their cheeto-dusted Fuhrer - [Donald J. Trump]. It is widely believed that using the same word to equate living people with burnt human remains encapsulates the Alt-Reichs genocidal lust.
    According to the Alt-Reich, [Special Snowflakes] are people suffering from a made up affliction called [Special Snowflake Syndrome]. This harkens back to the concern for racial hygiene in the Third Reich, where similar medicalized terms and concepts were adopted to justify their compulsory sterilization and extermination program against those they marked off as [Untermensch] or “Sub-Human”.
    When dealing with Nazis, whether the Third Reich or Alt-Reich, its important not to mistake their idiosyncratic vocabulary for units of communication. Their function is not to engage in a fruitful exchange of ideas, or even an unfruitful one. Rather, they aim only to intimidate and recruit. To call someone else a [Special Snowflake] tantamounts to a one-sided declaration of I am a Nazi; my deepest desire is genocide, and I want to turn you into ash.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 1 of Special snowflake.

  • What someone essentially called me before sexually assaulting me.
    A term abused by true assholes to make themselves look better.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 2 of Special snowflake.

  • A member of that newly-adult, meer-than-me generation which expects attention and praise just for being themselves -- doing anything to deserve it is completely optional.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 3 of Special snowflake.

  • Someone so sensitive and delicate that you cant say certain things(most things actually) to them without them being offended.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 4 of Special snowflake.

  • Someone who believes they deserve the stars because they like something no one else likes, or does something no one else does. There is no know cure for SSS (Special Snowflake Syndrome), so the rest of the world must deal with these sort of people until they realize they arent better than anyone else, and they dont need an award or a cookie for their interests. Not to be confused with a hipster.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 5 of Special snowflake.

  • A product created specifically for a customer or client who cannot or will not conform their requirements or needs to the general specifications of the products capabilities causing said vendor to customize uniqueness to an established product thereby creating more work, time, energy, and effort to be expended on the vendors employees part; often for features that will not be utilized or have only minimal benefit to the requester.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 6 of Special snowflake.

  • a group of liberal narcassists, who cry and whine over trump winning that they have to sit in their little corners and ball their eyes out, those who hate the country and its flag and want a law ridden society. Those who hate those who protect them, and worship the criminals who kill others. a bunch of spoilt stupid brats.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 7 of Special snowflake.

  • A problem person. A person who thinks they are unique, different and therefor more special that everyone else. Derived from too many parents telling their kids they are special, like a snowflake. Typically used by used by those in the customer service or retail industry to refer to bad customers.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 8 of Special snowflake.

  • a Hillary supporter; someone so naive to the issues that they cant comprehend why she lost the election. People that supported Hillary because she made them feel special and unique and valued.

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 9 of Special snowflake.

  • people who think theyre special in a way while there are other people who has the same situation as them

    Special snowflake meaning & definition 10 of Special snowflake.

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