• An itinerant licensed dealer in commodities used for food; ahawker; a huckster; -- formerly applied especially to one who boughtgrain in one place and sold it in another. [Now dialectic, Eng.]

    Badger meaning & definition 1 of Badger.

  • The greatest animal ever to be found on gods fine earth. These creatures can be found in woodland areas and live in sets, they are black and white and about the size of a dog. They are the dudes of the forest, so dont mess, seriously, you go anywhere near these guys and the will attack, and trust me they are fast, one chased my mate and had him trapped up a tree for half an hour once! If they werent so few, they would rule the world with a badger army no problem! Also the word badger can be used in the same way as pester, or irritate i.e Stop badgering me. And on top of all that, badger just sounds funny...

    Badger meaning & definition 2 of Badger.

  • Verb. To bother incessantly.

    Badger meaning & definition 3 of Badger.

  • One Badger is equal to £7.50
    It is the street price of one tab of scrote.

    Badger meaning & definition 4 of Badger.

  • British alternate term for American vulgar term [Beaver].
    Badgers have a stripe on the forehead, Beavers or [Pussy] are parted with a pink stripe i.e. the [labia] or [pussy lips].
    One can also go badger baiting!

    Badger meaning & definition 5 of Badger.

  • Highly addictive (or irritating, depending on the mood you're in) viral cartoon featuring a group of badgers exercising along with background music, played on a loop until the viewer is sick of it and decides to turn it off.

    Badger meaning & definition 6 of Badger.

  • an unattractive sub-species of the cougar; whereas the term cougar commonly refers to a mature female on the prowl, the term badger can bring to mind a fugly cougar.

    Badger meaning & definition 7 of Badger.

  • A late developing, pre-pubescent child (usually male) who is amongst the last in his class to develop hair around the you-know-where. Neologism possibly derived from/confined to Worcestershire, England area.

    Badger meaning & definition 8 of Badger.

  • Someone who is overly prepared or overly keen for something. (Opposite of baller) For example, when camping, someone with too all the hiking gear. Another example is a middle aged [cyclist] with head to toe [Lycra] and [hi-vis] eyebrows.

    Badger meaning & definition 9 of Badger.

  • A heavily built omnivorous nocturnal mammal of the weasel family, typically having a grey and black coat.

    Badger meaning & definition 10 of Badger.

  • an animal with a flat body, wide feet with long claws, and strong jaws, that lives underground and comes out to feed at night. There are six main types of badger. Most have narrow faces, heads with light and dark hair, and brown or gray hair on their bodies.

    Badger meaning & definition 11 of Badger.

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