Portuguese breakfast
You whisk up some eggs, have her lay down and prop up her ass real high,
take a funnel and pour the eggs in her pussy, then fuck her, and you have just made her scrambled eggs aka PORTUGUESE BREAKFASTPortuguese breakfast meaning & definition 1 of Portuguese breakfast.
A delicious, hole-some breakfast consisting of eggs, which are scrambled to oblivion in a females vagina with your cock. The mixture is then cooked in a frying pan or on a skillet, and served scrambled or omelet style. (Also see: [Twat-omelet])
Heres how to make one:Find a willing and naked female participant. If the female is not naked or willing, halothane or a slow gas leak may help this process.
Have her lie down with her back on the floor, propping herself up and spreading her legs open so she resembles the letter Y. (Speaking of which, if she asks, Why?, tell her to STFU before you give her a [Jelly Donut] for breakfast.)
Crack three large eggs into a bowl. Do not beat or whisk yet; thats in Step 7.
Insert a funnel into her vagina and carefully pour the cold, raw eggs into it. Watch her wince and shudder as the chilly slime slips deep down inside of her. Awesome!
Remove the funnel when all contents have drained into her vagina. Some bubbling/gurgling may occur. Let it sit for 5 minutes to warm up.
*BONUS: This funnel makes a dandy hat - wear it for comedic effect.Now, stuff your cock into that stench-trench and rapidly fuck her non-stop for at least 10-15 minutes to adequately scramble the eggs. Not HER eggs - the other ones.
Continue to steadily pound her, occasionally pulling out to check the consistency of the mixture; it should be hot and frothy when ready. At this point, internal ejaculation is encouraged, but only if you wont be eating the finished product. That would be gross.
Providing the female is conscious, have her carefully squat over a pre-heated
Portuguese breakfast meaning & definition 2 of Portuguese breakfast.
The act of scrambling eggs and eating them from a womans vagina.
Portuguese breakfast meaning & definition 3 of Portuguese breakfast.
The purged contents of a vagina the morning after a night of sexual escapades. May contain ejaculate, creams, condoms and in especially extreme cases, vegetables, bits of grass, beads, string, dog hair and / or vomit.
Portuguese breakfast meaning & definition 4 of Portuguese breakfast.
A portuguese breakfast is when a woman stands on her head so she is upside down and then spreads her legs apart so that her vagina is open. A man then takes a fresh ostrich egg and cracks it open, pouring the contents into the womans vagina. The man then has sex with the woman while she remains in this position. Once finished the woman squats over a frying pan and releases the contents into the pan. Cook just like scrambled eggs and voila, a portuguese breakfast.
Portuguese breakfast meaning & definition 5 of Portuguese breakfast.
Can be used in both gay and straight sex. Beat two eggs in a bowl, mix in cheese and anything u would like. Now while haveing anal sex, pour the egg mixture into the anus and continue fucking untill u blow u load inside. Now let all of the stuff drip out into a bowl, mix, cook and eat.
Portuguese breakfast meaning & definition 6 of Portuguese breakfast.
putting an fried egg on the vagina or the dick and the partner licks it off
Portuguese breakfast meaning & definition 7 of Portuguese breakfast.
When a woman gives a man head in the morning after a night of sex.
Portuguese breakfast meaning & definition 8 of Portuguese breakfast.