• Term originated in the UK and came to prominence in the 1960s, initially to describe a pimp. In Spanish it means prince and could have either been referring to the fancy, over-the-top clothing and jewelry popular with pimps, or because he was surrounded by a harem of women, involved in the underworld, but usually not the actual king of the area (he had to pay tribute to use the block or neighborhood).

    Now it is generally used to refer to someone (usually a male) who dresses in nicer clothing and acts in a polished fashion; often interchangable with [fag] or [pussy], but not necessarily as derogatory: a ponce is not necessarily homosexual, nor are they necessarily passive or weak, but they would tend to be thought of as [metrosexual] or [gay] in their manner of dress.

    In the US it also takes a bit of a tone for a [poser] or [wannabe], primarily in the punk, ska, or artsy scenes.

    Ponce meaning & definition 1 of Ponce.

  • An individual who attempts to fake having intelligence, class, or culture.

    Ponce meaning & definition 2 of Ponce.

  • v: to [ponce] off someone is to borrow without the intention of necessarily paying back

    n: a [ponce] is a derogatory description of someone who is judged to be gay, appear gay or have some other attributes or characteristics that others find amusing and not in a nice way.

    Ponce meaning & definition 3 of Ponce.

  • Freeloader.

    Someone who tries to get something for nothing by exploiting the good nature and benevolence of others.

    Ponce meaning & definition 4 of Ponce.

  • Widely used to reffer to a poser,camp or soft looking person- the type of person who looks like they would get beaten up by a girl

    Ponce meaning & definition 5 of Ponce.

  • Chiefly British. Someone who procures customers for whores. The English word for Pimp. Although somewhat outdated it is still used but under different meaning;
    A camp person, overtly dressed, gay.

    Ponce meaning & definition 6 of Ponce.

  • a male who on occasion participates in strange activities, such as: water skiing and trying on womens shoes. a ponce may often be found wearing strange or moth-eaten fur hats, similar to one that light speed champion wears. in response to a cuss from a ponce, one would most likely say shut up, gayboy or take that shit off your head.

    Ponce meaning & definition 7 of Ponce.

  • A British slang word that can be translated into American lingo in several ways.

    It can be used in the way Americans use the words [fag] or [queer] to refer to someone who is:

    A homosexual: Joe is proud to be a ponce.

    A man who is not homosexual but displays effeminate or overly [diva] like behaviors: I wish Joe would stop wearing all that cologne shit. He smells like a [bloody] ponce.

    As an insult to a man who may not be homosexual and/or effeminate, but is someone you hate: Joe really pissed me off yesterday with that stunt. If that ponce pulls that shit again today, Im going to kick his ass.

    Ponce can be used like the words [wuss] or [pussy] to describe someone you feel is weak in some way: So Joe and I came to blows the other day. He fights like a fucking ponce though so I wasnt hurt in the fight.

    Ponce meaning & definition 8 of Ponce.

  • Someone who is creepy in a posh way OR someone who is just plain retarded.

    Ponce meaning & definition 9 of Ponce.

  • a person that has a certain poncy quality, when you see one you just know

    Ponce meaning & definition 10 of Ponce.

  • v: to [ponce] off someone is to borrow without the intention of necessarily paying back

    n: a [ponce] is a derogatory description of someone who is judged to be gay, appear gay or have some other attributes or characteristics that others find amusing and not in a nice way.

    Ponce meaning & definition 11 of Ponce.

  • a man who controls prostitutes and takes a large part of the money that they earn for himself

    Ponce meaning & definition 12 of Ponce.

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