• 98% of the people on Urban Dictionary

    Immature meaning & definition 1 of Immature.

  • Teenage guys who:

    cant go a minute without making a sexual remark
    call everything they dont like gay
    openly insult everyone who has a different opinion than theirs, usually with a racial or gay slur
    have a tendency of shouting words like PENIS! in public
    lack the intelligence to make a formal argument, yet think theyre so awesome because they know, as someone before me posted, 100 ways of saying the word penis or 100 different sex methods.
    become alcoholics and do drugs just because its cool, without considering that these drugs will cut their life expectancy in half, as well as make them look like total idiots when theyre high/drunk
    call everyone with at least 1.1 times their intelligence a nerd, because EVERYONE knows that society has deemed it cool to be dumb as a stick
    are the kind that drop their pants on purpose in public, sexually harrass everything that moves, or violate other kinds of dress codes and behavior codes.

    Immature meaning & definition 2 of Immature.

  • What one redneck says to another when he wants his chair back.

    Immature meaning & definition 3 of Immature.

  • A young person, usualy a 8-14 year old male that knows 100 words that mean [penis] and lives his life just to have them all published in an on line dictionary of slang.

    Immature meaning & definition 4 of Immature.

  • what people call you when your a teenager and your doing something fun for little kids. Usally people say this to make themselves feel older and more mature even though there not.

    Immature meaning & definition 5 of Immature.

  • Someone who thinks vulgar words are funny. Most children exhibit this behavior.

    Immature meaning & definition 6 of Immature.

  • A word utilized to describe someone who exibits the behavioral patterns of a child. Such people tend to be impulsive; an example of which, is a tendency to use unwanted physical contact on another person, or making statements in complete ignorace and crudeness. Immature people also tend to make narrow associations of certain actions with certain effects, such as the association of biking with falling off.

    Immature meaning & definition 7 of Immature.

  • I agree with this definition:

    98% of the people on Urban Dictionary

    Immature meaning & definition 8 of Immature.

  • What many high school students are. Nuff said.

    Immature meaning & definition 9 of Immature.

  • 1.) 99% of high school chicks who laugh hysterically at things that are not remotely funny 2.) 90% of college chicks who soak themselves up with drama and send 4 different text messages to their boyfriends, all of which say the same thing

    Immature meaning & definition 10 of Immature.

  • Not mature; unripe; not arrived at perfection of full
    development; crude; unfinished; as, immature fruit; immature character;
    immature plans.

    Immature meaning & definition 11 of Immature.

  • Doing [whatever it takes] to make you happy and for some people, at least theyre being who they are and not the stereotype of who theyre supposed to be. Your [inner child]. Most people believe that age defines who you are and if you dont act your age, youre immature. Mature people seem to be very depressed and [settle] for everything even if they dont want it.

    Immature meaning & definition 12 of Immature.

  • An [opinion]. someone created it so [others] would [act like] them

    Immature meaning & definition 13 of Immature.

  • An [overused] term used by [hypocrite] teenagers (as in, 99%) to describe anyone or any opinion that they [dislike].

    Immature meaning & definition 14 of Immature.

  • someone who looks for all [the dirty] words in a [dictionary] [first].

    Immature meaning & definition 15 of Immature.

  • One who abuses [drugs] to feel [grown] up.
    One who abuses [alcohol] to feel grown up.
    One who calls people immature.

    Immature meaning & definition 16 of Immature.

  • Someone who:
    1: constantly makes penis or [fart jokes]
    2: praises their name on urbandictionary.com by saying it means huge penis or [awesome person]
    3:makes fart noises with their mouth and/or arm
    4: calls everything and everyone they dont [like gay]

    Immature meaning & definition 17 of Immature.

  • Not fully developed.

    Immature meaning & definition 18 of Immature.

  • In a [generic] age-irrelevant [view] of the [concept]: someone who wouldnt or cant get himself to do what they know is the right thing to do.

    Immature meaning & definition 19 of Immature.

  • -People who insult everyone who has a [different opinion] than theirs, usually with a personal, racial, or gay slur.
    -People who become alcoholics and/or do drugs just because “it’s cool.”
    -People who tend to be [impulsive]; an example of which, is a tendency to use unwanted physical contact on another person, or making statements in complete ignorance.
    -People who act like a bitch because someone doesn’t want to do something for them.
    -People who only ever need you to use you.
    -People who behave like [hypocrites] too often.
    -People who constantly bitch about their life when they have it better than who they are bitching to, or for attention.
    -People who talk shit because they’re insecure about themselves, then get upset when the person finds out.
    -People who offensively use words that are not interchangeable because they are too ignorant to [educate] themselves.

    Immature meaning & definition 20 of Immature.

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