• A sexual display wherein a male gyrates his pelvis so that his flaccid penis whirls in a radial manner like the blades of a helicopter. Such a display is often used to impress a female or females before a sexual act.

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 1 of Helicopter dick.

  • A trick where one spins their penis around in circles reminiscent to the spinning of helicopter blades. Often used on a first date to impress a girl.

    I think there was a lonely island song or something, but this maneuver has been around for hundreds of years and is an integral part of many cultures.

    This maneuver can be performed in unfamiliar situations to make new friends.

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 2 of Helicopter dick.

  • The act of spinning ones dick in a circular motion to imitate the rotating blades of a helicopter.

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 3 of Helicopter dick.

  • Created in 1879 by Winston Wellington, the act of helicoptering the dick involves the circular spinning motion of the penis.

    Works for all penis sizes and if performed correctly makes the penis appear an inch or two larger than usually is.

    It is a quick and easy way to impress a lady, or ladies. Law enforcement officers and land-lords are impervious to the act and it is not advised to use it in situations involving either or both.

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 4 of Helicopter dick.

  • When a man dry-humps in a circular motion, and his dick spins around like helicopter blades.

    It makes girls go all tingly and ur dick will grow like 2 sizes, it works.

    It also works for guys, but theyre not as impressed because they can do it to, but if you do it together its a blast.

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 5 of Helicopter dick.

  • when you spin your hips in a circular motion so your penis looks like a helicopter rotor. Seen in the lonely island music video 3 way

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 6 of Helicopter dick.

  • A dance invented by Adam Morehouse, aka Novawar from the popular youtube channel LifesAGlitchTV. Usually preformed sitting in a desk chair, and always preformed to dubstep, most commonly the song Bangarang by Skrillex, it involves pumping your fists up into the air, as well as backstroking repeatedly. The dance is a reference to a time LAGTV went to a dubstep club and witness a man pull out his penis and proceed to flail it around to the beat of the dubstep. According to Adam, the dance can solve all of your relationship problems.

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 7 of Helicopter dick.

  • Helicopter dick meaning & definition 8 of Helicopter dick.

  • Twirl + Twerk = TWIRLK

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 9 of Helicopter dick.

  • TWIRLK is a new word to Twirl & Twerk

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 10 of Helicopter dick.

  • @twirlking makes sense and sounds good - twirlk -

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 11 of Helicopter dick.

  • @twirlking You are one idiot no good low life creep. You do that in front of any girl I know and you will wind up at the bottom of the river. Dont do it again. Only warning.

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 12 of Helicopter dick.

  • You do that in front of my girl or any girl I know.. last thing you do. Better stop now while you are breathing, total creep!

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 13 of Helicopter dick.

  • @Little_Girl aka Tony lopez

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 14 of Helicopter dick.

  • This is the most painful feeling any female can experience and I highly recommend females do not try it unless you want your pussy broken and dislocated formed 🤣anyways have a lovely fucking

    Helicopter dick meaning & definition 15 of Helicopter dick.

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