• The best message board on the planet! Also known to have the friendliest Members and Staff in the world. They enjoy things from the 90s and the Power Rangers.

    Generation z meaning & definition 1 of Generation z.

  • The earliest children of Generation Z are those born in and after 1990 and are often the children of generation X. They are unique as they have grown up with the internet. This generation is very networked with social networks and many means of communication and means of entertainment at their finger tips such as Cell Phones, iPod, Facebook, YouTube and IM. Digital networking and sharing is common and many have not known a time without the internet and are often referred to as digital natives.

    Generation z meaning & definition 2 of Generation z.

  • Todays teens and children born from 1995-2010. Most of the members of Generation Z either dont remember or vaugely remember key events such as the September 11th terrorist attacks or the invasion of Iraq. Most however have been affected by the currant Great Recession(2008-present). Unlike [Millenials], or [Generation Y], Generation Z will grow up in a childhood and teenhood without the luxury of a strong economy. Many compare Generation Z to the [Silent Generation] who were in between the Greatest Generation and the [Baby Boom Generation.]
    Alternate names for Generation Z include the Homeland Generation or the Homelanders and the Vacant Generation or the Vacants.

    Generation z meaning & definition 3 of Generation z.

  • Precise date range: 1995-2009
    Come of Age (turning 18 Years old): 2013 - 2027

    The generation born completely within the technological age, war on terror, and multiculturalism. This generation is the first true global culture as their characteristics and trend is more uniform across the globe as they become the most open minded generation to date.
    The earliest will vaguely remembers the 20th century, little affinity (mental age factor) or no memory of September 11th 2001, and the last golden years of TV animations in the western world, in Asia and elsewhere, Rise in standard of living, exposure to Computer and Internet and grow up in the reduction in moral, traditional values.
    Comparable to grandparents Silent Generations and parents, Generation X. As of 2010 however, Generation Z culture are rising, they are predicted to be more cautious, more conservative and connected than ever with everyone around the globe. Despite the trend of them conforming to the Postmodernism counterculture or spoiled culture. Generation Zs awareness will certainly derived them from the former generation mindset. They will help shape the fragile 21st century (Though not pioneer them like Gen Y) into a new understanding and approach of the global society.
    Note: These measurements are cross referenced considerations mental development age and memories, significant events, and culture conditioning, regardless of their affinity towards former culture interest or attitude

    Generation z meaning & definition 4 of Generation z.

  • If you thought Millennials were bad....

    Generation z meaning & definition 5 of Generation z.

  • A cohort of a group of people born form Generation X. The demographic boom of Generation Y took place between 1980-1994. Therefore anyone born in 1994 or after, the most common ending date being 2010, is a member of Generation Z. They do not recall much of the events of the 9/11 attacks and grew up in the technology boom of the late 90s and early 2000s. Unlike Generation Y, they did not grow up recalling the Cold War era and were born in the post years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    Generation z meaning & definition 6 of Generation z.

  • The demographic born in and after 1994. The early nineties were a continuation of the 80s up until 1994. They are the children of Generation X.

    Generation z meaning & definition 7 of Generation z.

  • An organic, semi--sentient smartphone attachment.

    Generation z meaning & definition 8 of Generation z.

  • The first generation born in the 21st century and were born 2000 or 2001 to 2020. Generation Y or Millennials are born 1980s to 2000.

    Generation z meaning & definition 9 of Generation z.

  • Okay, this is coming from a person born in this Generation Z. Technically speaking, the exact time is the kids born post Soviet-Union, which the USSR fell in 1991. The Early 90s is the exact time-frame when the Internet was found, I remember in 1998, I goofed around on the internet and played games, when I was 3, I played Deer Hunter. I did a project on the 90s in my fashion class, so I know what happened, for some reason. Lurkers, might I suggest this, there is a difference between the GenZers from the 90s and one from 00s.
    People born in Gen Z, the oldest part of the generation, according to astrology, have a Pluto in Scorpio, who share the same characteristics as Generation Y. Pluto in Scorpio lasted until 1995. The bulk of the Generation from 1996 (year my brother was born) and onward, have a Pluto in Sagittarius. The generation thing ended in 2010, during the timeframe when the economy totaled.
    We are new to the world but we operate on computers well enough. We are difficult to understand because we just started out in the world. We will most likely repeat the events a few generations past. Thanks to the current generation and the recession fucking us over. Hell, we use the internet alot and we know a ton of facts.

    Generation z meaning & definition 10 of Generation z.

  • People born after [31 December] 1997 and before [1 January] 2013, according to Wikipedia. Preceded by [Generation Y] (or Millennials) and succeeded by Generation Glass.

    Generation z meaning & definition 11 of Generation z.

  • The [laymans] term for those of [Homelander] Generation. Members of this generation are born in 2005 and onward, and are defined by the [ubiquity] of the internet from an early age. They differ from Millennials (1982-2004) in that their Generations great obstacle is not yet realized.

    Generation z meaning & definition 12 of Generation z.

  • The generation commonly mistaken for the Fortnite playing, [Baby Shark] listening [Gen Alpha].

    Take note, Gen Z is not the same as Gen Alpha. Gen Z is most known for depression, being gay, and memes.

    If Gen Z cared enough to have a motto it would probably be, Yolo bitches.

    The Generation motivated enough to watch 500 hours of Im a [barbie girl] distorted but too lazy to type full sentences to their friends.

    Generation z meaning & definition 13 of Generation z.

  • the group of people who were born in the US and Western Europe after 2001:

    Generation z meaning & definition 14 of Generation z.

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