• Item/s that were expected to be in good (if not brand new) condition, but were discovered eventually that they werent.

    2)Someone who was once healthy and/or normal but isnt anymore due to unfortunate, traumatic events in his/her life (i.e. physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, drug abuse...u get it).

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 1 of Damaged goods.

  • A person, who makes themselves emotionally unavailable due to unfortunate circumstances in the past. Which in turn makes their significant other pay for the mistakes they had to deal with in the past. Damaged goods tend to run away from their problems instead of facing them head on and tend to make assumptions about present situations due to experiences from the past.

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 2 of Damaged goods.

  • Someone who is now undateable or not attractive because of past or current circumstances, but would otherwise be attractive.

    Someone who has ruined their career because of at least one exposed mistake that has permanently changed their reputation and/or credibility.

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 3 of Damaged goods.

  • When a guy or a girl had already been married and had children and now he/she is divorced and looking for another partner.

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 4 of Damaged goods.

  • This is when you date someone (usually a girl) who has just recently been dumped by a guy. Usually when the guy dates the girl and then dumps her after a few days because he realizes she has appearance problems which he didnt notice before

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 5 of Damaged goods.

  • A term used to explain a mans testicles after they have been kicked in the groin area!

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 6 of Damaged goods.

  • Used to describe in a tongue in cheek manner someone who looks terrible after a big night or weekend

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 7 of Damaged goods.

  • a girl with herpes.......

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 8 of Damaged goods.

  • An unsalable product, such as sliced box tops and dented cans.

    Damaged goods meaning & definition 9 of Damaged goods.

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