The term is derived from the Italian word ciuccio and means jackass, dummy, idiot, or moron. A chooch is a person, who against better judgement, acts inappropriately.
Chooch meaning & definition 1 of Chooch.
Italian slang for hardhead,, blockhead,, any of a number similar insults pertaining to ones stubborness or limited use of common sense.
Chooch meaning & definition 2 of Chooch.
Nickname for baseball player Carlos Ruiz, the best Phillies catcher ever! Fans also chant it as a sign of affection.
Chooch meaning & definition 3 of Chooch.
Exhaling smoke out of your mouth and a term only used by 1puglife on youtube
Chooch meaning & definition 4 of Chooch.
A jackass. one who acts without thinking.
Chooch meaning & definition 5 of Chooch.
of possible italian origin, a chooch is similar to a fool or chump. used as a deragatory term to those who are not worthy of respect.
Chooch meaning & definition 6 of Chooch.
According to his holiness da fada Guido Sarducci a chooch is a dummy which is used in act of ventriliquism or by association any other brainless fool that can only regurgitate inaccurate babble
Chooch meaning & definition 7 of Chooch.
(V.) To take a puff of a vapor pen or hookah.
Chooch meaning & definition 8 of Chooch.
someone who does shitty things that arent illegal (maybe slightly illegal) for their own benefit. not to be confused with assholes who do shitty things that dont benefit anybody.
Chooch meaning & definition 9 of Chooch.
a douche or a dickhead
Chooch meaning & definition 10 of Chooch.
how is he
Chooch meaning & definition 11 of Chooch.