• The mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved.

    Baby mama meaning & definition 1 of Baby mama.

  • A term used to define an unmarried young woman (but can be a woman of any age) who has had a child. As mentioned before in another definition, most of the time it is used for when it was simply a sexual relationship, compared to ex-wife or girlfriend. Usually this has a negative connotation, a lot of baby mamas are seen as desperate, gold digging, emotionally starved, shady women who had a baby out of spite or to keep a man. Sometimes they may act like this because of missed child support payments, unfulfilled promises by the father, or convenient sex by the father. Either or both may exist in any situation.

    Baby mama meaning & definition 2 of Baby mama.

  • A woman who has a child out of wedlock with a man. She may or may not be in a relationship with the man, but most of the time, shes not. She may think she has some sort of postion or leverage in the mans life, just because she had a child with the man, but all she is, is a baby mama, nothing else. Some baby mamas use the child as a pawn or weapon to get what they want from the childs father, IE: money, food, sex, etc. If the man is in a realtionship with a woman who has no children, the baby mama may become jealous and cause [baby mama drama].
    A stereotype associated with baby mamas is they are poor, lazy bitches who trapped the man into getting her pregnant or tricked him by saying she was on the pill, thinking the man would pay her way in life just because she has a child with him. Not all baby mamas are like that. The majority of them just act like they can control the man just because they had a seed with them, and make it difficult for the man and threaten to take the child away or sue for more child support if the baby mama doesnt get her way.

    Baby mama meaning & definition 3 of Baby mama.

  • Basically a woman you had a child or children with who you didnt marry and or no longer involved with.Usually associated with hoodrats and trailer park bitches.

    Baby mama meaning & definition 4 of Baby mama.

  • 1.Who to make the check out to.
    2.The mother of your children.
    3.A source of endless emotional pain and/or headaches

    Baby mama meaning & definition 5 of Baby mama.

  • A baby mama is a women who have several children (at least 2 or 3) by different men...mostly ghetto bitches or wigger bitches. It is one thing to have a child out of wedlock, if you have a career and can afford to take care of the child on your own. But baby mamas make a carrier of having babies. This type of women doesnt care if the guy would make a suitable father or even if he can provide for any children they might have together. The type of guy these women go for have criminal record and no job. Not to mention the fact that these guy have other children with other baby mamas. These type of women don’t care that their soon to be “baby daddy” has 3 or 4 or even more children by other girls. That should be a clue that he is not going to support your kids!
    Baby Mamas live and support their children on welfare not on child support. Since all of them go with losers who can’t support their children. The sad thing is that the children that these BITCHES have are on Medi-cal or Medicaid (public medical assistance programs). They use the welfare system and sit on their ass. They are jealous of other women who have made better choices in picking (a husband or boyfriend) to have children with…

    Baby mama meaning & definition 6 of Baby mama.

  • Baby Mamas have certain character traits:

    They have 2 or 3 children by different men they think they had a serious relationship with.. In reality it was a causal relationship
    On welfare
    They have low standard and choose to date losers
    The are low class and live a ghetto life style
    They don’t care that their baby daddy already has children by other women. They just end up getting knocked up by him anyways….
    They choose men they know can’t afford to support any child(ren) that they might have by him, but they end up getting Prego by him anyways..
    They don’t worry how they will support their child/children once their welfare runs out.
    They think they are supporting their kids, but in reality their on welfare.
    They receive no child support or if they do it’s very little- too little to support a child on..
    They are jealous of other women who have made better chooses in picking (a husband or boyfriend) to have children with…
    They live off the welfare system and act like they are so smart since they brag about how good they are in “working” the welfare system..
    Past Criminal Recorder (mostly minor in most cases)
    All of their girlfriend “BFF’s” are other baby mamas.. No decent friends
    They get pregnant to trap a man
    They get mad at their baby daddies for not paying child support, but never blame themself for getting in that situation in the first place!

    Baby mama meaning & definition 7 of Baby mama.

  • single mother of a child

    Baby mama meaning & definition 8 of Baby mama.

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